
The thing is, Greg largely started pulling back from Rebecca because Josh was clearly honing in on Rebecca in the hospital and later at the wedding. It's pretty rich that Josh warned Rebecca away from Greg, telling her he just knew Greg would disappoint her. While Greg certainly did disappoint her, it's nothing

I think he definitely has a ways to go, but he's made a huge first step. Of course, similar to Rebecca, he seemed to have done that last season when he realized his Rebecca fixation was unhealthy for him and he was making a lot of bad decisions. His AA speech was delivered really similarly to his talk with Marty and

I think Josh's dry strong desire not to move back home shows how into appearances he is. He had intimated in the party bus fight that he looks down on Greg for living at home (which, in and of itself, says a lot about Josh). Josh has no real interest in being an actual adult for the most part, but he certainly

He is really, really good at denying things that aren't convenient for him. Look how he had to be explicitly told about Rebecca's feelings him over and over, but ignored it because he didn't want to set up boundaries and lose her adoration. He also basically knew about Greg/Rebecca before Greg told him, but again,

I think it also works on another level, as at this point to Rebecca, other people basically only exist to serve the love story in her head, with the possible exception of Paula. Greg and Josh don't have real existences or emotions to her outside of the fantasy in her head.

I think the worst aspect of that relationship is how easily she can manipulate him. It allows her to be her worst self with him, and she also doesn't get what she truly wants in return because there's zero emotional honesty. I don't think she could ever be with Josh and not fall back on manipulating him to try and

I think the premiere served well as a premiere, as I think it made me excited about the new season. I like what it looks like they're doing: making Rebecca really and truly awful, but giving the audience more accessible stories that run on parallel paths. I love how fully Greg has accepted both his alcoholism and

Her actually intending to stab him is such a horrible thing, you can see how he would believe what he wanted to believe. He's in pretty deep denial about Lindsay in general, as he seems to think the pregnancy instantly changed her into a new person. I don't think he's dumb, per se, more that he's in willful denial

They seem like a typical on-again, off-again couple that almost everyone has met at some point in their lives. While they lacked a solid foundation, it's also one of those types that it's ever hard to completely call it dead either. But yeah, I think Josh was wanting Valencia to break up with him when he confessed

The show runners have also taken shots at those who seem to hate Greg, and seemed legitimately confused by fans who turned on Greg. They have said they write for everyone to be seen as being very human with flaws.

Josh wasn't telling the whole truth. Greg certainly has his flaws, but the guy has seemingly had the same friends for at least the past decade (and been best friends with Josh since he was five), worked the same job forever, and has basically given up the majority of his young adulthood for his father. I wish

I think ultimately Jane and Petra will skip past friends and basically be family. They won't always agree or get along, but will be tied through their kids and be in each other's lives because of that.

This was not a good hour of TV, but it made me giddy with nostalgia because it was such a Chris Carter season premiere episode, filled with tons of expository monologues. But, extra bonus: this one required not just writing yourself out of the corner from last season (Did Mulder die THIS time?), but nine whole

I think Alicia always believed the attraction was strong, but that Will didn't actually love her. During their affair, she compartmentalized it and then ended it when she couldn't keep it that way. She thought that's what Will wanted too, likely because of her belief when she laid it out there that she needed him

For the lawyer, wouldn't the simplest reasonable doubt story be that Scotty was drunk and erratic, so he was likely being wildly careless or maybe even suicidal? It wouldn't be a huge stretch from Scotty's actions that night to paint him as potentially suicidal.

I don't think Helen knows, as I don't understand her paying $100k to Oscar for info if she knew the whole story. What's weird is that from Noah's perspective, it seems like the paternity revelation isn't news to Helen. But did Noah not actually tell Helen specifically what was bothering him?

What I really liked is how the show demonstrated how you can forgive and let go for the sake of relationships you value or need to maintain, but that it's harder to forget or have the same level of trust. Jane may have forgiven Rafael and Xo both, but it doesn't mean that there's no lasting effect of the broken trust

It's funny that in Helen's version, Noah tells her Whitney is like she was, while Helen tells Noah he's acting like her father. You have to love Noah doubling down on being a douche when Helen says this.

I don't think Fitz and Olivia are over for good, but I think that this breakup was pretty spot on. The Presidency and all that goes with it was always the biggest obstacle for Fitz and Olivia.

Given the story of the nasty Lockhart legacy, I am going to guess the baby either is or could be Cole's. Then Cole opted to not tell Noah to try to break the family cycle, given the parallels to his grandfather's story.