
First, let's hope Alba does not vote once she gets her green card, as that could get her deported. You need to be a citizen to vote.

It's a problem to have David Lee and Howard Liman consistently in scenes with Diane and Cary. David of course isn't purely comic relief, but the balance of more comic relief characters is really off. At least Canning isn't in that group anymore.

I hope this episode isn't followed by lots of show runner quotes about how that wasn't rape. It was especially disturbing how Allison had talked about celibacy giving her a clear head and liking it, and his response is to manhandle her and fuck her back to her senses. This was all especially jarring because his

I thought the combination of her story and the fact that he had been read passages from the book that we now know is revealed to be very detailed about Allison sexually were what caused the erection and him pushing her away. I think he went into that session seeing her more sexually because he had heard some of those

My biggest problem with this show is that, for the most part, Fitz is at the center of all these terrible actions of people around him who talk about his greatness, but it's just talk. He has a massive sense of entitlement, which I think was demonstrated well by his conversation with Mellie. I haven't seen much of

I don't get the impression Noah wants to write the book to be a good provider. At least, that seems to rank fairly far down his list of motivations.

You have to love after what happened earlier that Noah drives off angry with all the kids after drinking a beer and two whiskeys.

He did go to war for his mistress, and now he is obstructing justice by colluding with Cyrus to lie about it. The second part alone is impeachable.

I feel like the twist I most want from this show is for Fitz to resign or be impeached. I don't know where the show girs from there, but there's nothing satisfying to me in watching Fitz beat out an impeachment he absolutely deserves.

That's just the thing about Noah: he doesn't think he's a bad guy at all. He's thoughtless and selfish. I think his character is difficult for me to deal with because his story just feels like it's largely a stereotypical midlife crisis. He resented his family life for his lost dreams of being a great novelist, so

There's plenty of shows that I feel don't support it, but I feel like basically from halfway through the first season on that Mulder and Scully's relationship was one of the main through lines in the series. By the end of Fight the Future, they had each literally gone to the end of the world to save each other. I

The irony in the impeachment storyline is that it's painted as though it's a witch hunt, but there are at least three reasons I can think off the top of my head that would lead to easy impeachment, one of which is directly linked to his relationship with Olivia.

It's basically a musical, grown up Felicity it sounds like.

I am as stunned as the next person that I am defending Olivia's character arc, but I don't feel like Olivia really was actively pushing for Fitz to actually divorce Mellie while he's still in office. I think the Presidency and what it entails have always been a much bigger obstacle than Mellie. I think what Olivia

I'll miss some of his more out of left field humor, from the bear suit bits to some of the more random top ten lists. The finale also reminded me how Dave was always really entertaining with kids and man on the street stuff.

This reminds me of what I always thought was an interesting difference between Leno and Letterman: I always enjoyed Letterman's interactions with real people infinitely more, largely because Dave's segments were almost never mean spirited. As much as Leno had the "nice" shtick to Letterman's more cynical tone, Leno's

They really whitewashed Rafael's playboy past pretty quickly, not to mention his role in the demise of his marriage. While Petra did some horrible things, she largely became desperate because of Rafael shutting her out, which is something he clearly seems prone to do. Making Petra into the villain allows Rafael to

My biggest JLP memory was me thinking "the cross I bear that you gave to me" said "the cross eyed bear that you gave to me" for the longest time. I really liked that image of someone giving her some sort of cross-eyed bear, so it was just really disappointing to learn the real lyric.

Other than Cary, when Josh Charles left, Will had the stronger ties to virtually all the other characters, especially Diane and Kalinda. They started down a road of Will's death being something that unites the whole cast, but then immediately took it away with the SA's race. Outside of getting to see Eli on screen a

The Grey's promo was basically laugh outloud funny when it said, "Nothing prepared them for losing one of their own." If there is anything these people are prepared for, it's losing one of their own.