
Remembering high school chemistry is sometimes a very high bar!

Not a single one of which are historians. That others use this bad terminology does not mean it’s not bad terminology. This seems like more of the illogical and immature “medieval is bad” nonsense rather than any honest attempt to analyze political thought. You can’t separate feudalism from reciprocal obligation.

Holy shit, I feel like I’ve never seen a minivan driving less than 20 mph above the speed limit, including down my own, suburban, kid-infested, non-through-street. I have come to the conclusion that, once one has enough kids to need a minivan, and then the indignity of an actual minivan, their outlook on life is

This. They are Reason #2 that civilians should be allowed to own RPGs. Reason #1 is cars that insist on honking in gridlocked traffic.

Like I said, we cranked it up to 11. In this context, the “We could never have imagined one person could own another person” bit makes this a legitimate argument. It was imagined, because it was done. I’m not saying it validates slavery, just that it invalidates that particular argument.

Ugh... I hate to think I might be defending someone defending the slave trade but... I don’t think that’s what this person was trying to say, at all?

Soo...yea...not true. I hate the idea of slavery on multiple levels, but this is a straight up lie. When Europeans landed in Africa, they pretty much took advantage of a system that was already in place. Yes, we cranked it to 11 with little regard for anything but profit and efficiency as we are wont to do, but we

I worked retail consumer electronics sales in my early/mid 20's. Straight commission, and I was pretty good at what I did.

Here here, rude service never has a reason. And before some snow flake says, “But if the customer is rude”, no. You always remain professional. Always period. If anyone of my employees acted in such a fashion they would be finding new employment and I would be personally contacting the customer offer my apology, and

Which is of course more evidence of actual wrongdoing than anyone can find in the Russia conspiracy.

Yes, 2 out of the 3 teams most likely to end up in the top 3 did, with the sole exception being a team with 2 chances to take a lottery pick from another team ending in the too 3. I also object to 1+1=2. That seems too convenient too.

Did anyone else feel that the lottery was rigged again? Seemed too convenient how that turned out.

I’m not saying that. I’m just saying, Obama increased drone strikes exponentially once he took over. Trump has been in office for what, 3 months? How many​ strikes? Judgement is cast a bit too soon.

“all reports point to Trump making it worse already”

If that’s the case, then every leader and their military are crazy but execution by AA cannon is its own kind of crazy.

Agreed—but history is no reason to continue a barbaric tradition and any leader of a country or group who condones it is crazy, in my estimation. Remember, this thread was started by a commenter who suggested that President Trump was crazy in this manner and he is not. He simply has a personality disorder which 70% of

I suspect a lot of them aren’t but it’s the leader’s eagerness that’s the question here.

It isn’t the means of death but the spectacle of it which is the problem. When the State finds it necessary to execute a citizen (or any one else for that matter) in full view of eager witnesses who are highly entertained, that’s crazy right there.

When a US President starts killing condemned prisoners with an anti-aircraft cannon, then you can call them crazy.