So what are your opinions on BMW, Audi, Mercedes, VW and Porsche? And don’t forget Mitsubishi and Subaru...
So what are your opinions on BMW, Audi, Mercedes, VW and Porsche? And don’t forget Mitsubishi and Subaru...
But they decided the 10 speed wasn’t good enough for the GT500 and went with the Tremec dual clutch
“The Nurburgring Nordschleife is a couple miles longer overall, but many of its corners are wide angle bends. And that’s to say nothing of the 2.135 kilometer long Dottinger Hohe straight.”
Nope. Two doors max. Brat or GTFO!
This is definitely scary, but I’d rank Stalin and Mao - and all of the communist dictators they influenced - ordering the killing of tens of millions of their own citizen a little higher.
For everyone cluelessly bitching about this, just look at the picture for a moment and use the under-utilized left side of your brain. Anyone in this house, or a neighboring house, has already been evacuated. The opposite end of the house is already engulfed in flames, it’s a lost cause. The next move is to salvage obv…
Are you really this dumb, or are you just trolling? A firefighter’s job is to protect life and property. Life comes first. Then property. If the people are out, then the structure becomes the concern. If the structure is going to be a lost cause, then anything of instantly recognizable value that can be protected…
Thanks for the link. Fun story, and another example of why I think Sam Smith is the best auto writer of this generation.
This is a bad take, and you should feel bad.
Our doesn’t matter how well the LS or SBC performs. The problem is, it’s just so common that nobody gives a shit. If all you’re worried about is numbers, then knock yourself out; install an LS and enjoy jerking off to the dyno chart. But if you want a ride that shows some passion and creativity, anything but a Chevy V8…
In a MkIV Supra?
Would you prefer they mount the intercoolers down by the headers? I wouldn’t trust John Hennessey with my money, but I think the routing of the air from the snails, through the intercoolers and into the manifold is pretty well done. The route is minimal distance for less lag, and the 180 at the intake looks to be close…
That’s actually not as expensive as I expected. I figured pretty much every major part on what is essentially street legal Group B car would be 10k minimum.
Cooling a V8 with that much power, while challenging, will not be as difficult as cooling a W engine. The W is more compact - and thus more dense - than a V engine. That increased density also means a higher propensity to heat soak as there is less surface area and a greater demand on the radiators to cool the engine.
There’s Old Iron, and there’s “we stubbornly refuse to improve our product for fear that the geriatrics using our outdated, unreliable product might not be happy with change”
I’m with you on this one. This not THE movie car. Perhaps it is one of the movie cars, but it’s not the one used in the garage shots, outside the school, in the parking garage, etc... The long-running story on the primary movie car was that it was built on an MG (which also explains the Smiths gauges in the “reverse” s…
A star for the Weekend at Bernie’s pic. Your point’s solid too.
With all of the amazing, gorgeous historical Alfas out there you come up with the 75/ES-30?! I’d be on board with a continuation GTA or Tipo 33, but the 80s Alfas had little to nothing going for them.
FCA’s “definition” of a Jeep is so broad, that it souls be construed to include Land Rovers, FJs and, of course, ICON 4x4s. I understand that FCA has to bring this complaint to ward off other IP infringement in the future, but I don’t see it gaining much traction. It’s hard to say you're being harmed by a product that …
The top tiers of motorsports has less to do with color, gender, etc... than it has to do with sponsorship. It a multi-racial, transgender driver had the financial backing to buy a seat in an Indy car, nobody would care as long as they could drive. Danica was competent in open wheel, and may have won additional races,…