Guess it depends on getting a favorable judge. After all, Fox News got away with “Fair and Balanced,” though neither is factually true.
Guess it depends on getting a favorable judge. After all, Fox News got away with “Fair and Balanced,” though neither is factually true.
This is Portland, Maine. Listen to some “Bert and I,” chill the fuck out, and laugh your ass off.
I’m a liberal, and a gun owner. I’m curious to learn from non-gun owning liberals—what do you think an assault rifle is? I’m not being a dick, I just often get the sense that a lot of folks hear and repeat the words “assault rifle.” I am not trying to start a fight, and I can give you reasons why the AR-15 isn’t a…
So Misch shows up in court facing a gun charge, wearing a T-shirt that says, “Fuck gun control,” and the judge still lets him skate? That guy is really maximizing his whiteness. He’s getting the full experience.
Yeah, this is a guy who probably watches Ben Shapiro videos and thinks, “Wow, he really owned the libtards on that one!”
Ujellybro is the whitest handle I’ve seen in quite some time.
I’ve actually tried to find her, to see if she ever evened out. Pretty sure she’s dead. If I’m wrong, good luck. The sex will be amazing, but costly.
I grew up in a home with a mother raised in the midwest, and we had really bland meals growing up. My first college girlfriend introduced me to pesto, and my life has been better ever since. The girlfriend turned out to be a wild alcoholic with a violent streak, but I’ll always remember her for introducing me to the…
Off topic, but if you read Schlosser, also read Command and Control. Fascinating.
Wow, that was fast. I thought it would be months before a hideous case resulted from this disgusting law. It’s made worse because it’s a black woman, so she’ll end up in prison with barely any notice. If it had been a white woman, it would be the trial of the century.
Funny you mention him--he just won a seat on the NRA’s Board.
It has its place, honestly. I remember eating some hummus with some garlic that was maybe on the verge of ruined, but turned out amazing.
Your only problem is that you might be too awesome for the general public. I’d eat whatever you cook, you know stuff.
Shallots are fucking amazing once you learn that you can basically liquefy them in a pan sauce. I’m never without them anymore. Game changer.
I’m troubled by your anti-Irish sentiment. That sort of prejudice is disgusting, and I won’t stand for it.
Yikes. Vulture scum.
Every time I get a friend request from some asshole from high school, it turns out they are a realtor. They are just trying to get business.
Good insight, thanks. Knew nothing of the Ackerman McQueen stuff
When Oliver North was made president of the NRA, I thought, “Well, it’s official: This scumbag group doesn’t really stand for anything. They’ll put a fucking criminal at the head of the organization.” But it turns out, North might be the only one there who has a soul--he’s the whistleblower on this shit, he started…