Try buying a used truck in good condition in New England.
Try buying a used truck in good condition in New England.
Get a good OBD2 reader, spend $100 bucks. There is a difference. That said, I wish my truck gave me more sensor notifications. Every now and then, I’ll notice a subtle difference, and wonder why my cluster doesn’t light up. I want a light to come on, plug in my OBD2, and get a code that reads, “Sorry, I was thinking…
By the way, I really enjoy keeping the greys grey when they act like fucking scumbags. Some folks just can’t fucking Kinja for shit.
Francesa’s the douchebag who picked on the kids who read comics. Hell, he picked on kids who read.
Looking for a Comanche with low miles and no rust.
Well, that’s not what I said. But us ignoring 9/11 would have worked out better than the response we came up with. I ‘m no policy wonk, but it seems like we could have fared just as well to chalk it up to a cheap stunt, sent in some special forces Rangers and Seals, and killed bin Laden w/o all the drama.
I’m done with that hero busllshit. They aren’t fighting for our freedoms, even if they think they are. It is a dangerous job, but they are not serving for us. They serve at the behest of arms manufacturers and oil regimes.
Over the past 15 years, I’ve seen a lot of evidence of electronic voting machines being hacked. And in these accounts, it is always the Republican who comes out on top. I vote, and I hope it means something, but I suspect it doesn’t. Read about the 2004 election, and tell me I’m crazy. I think it is…
Well, it may seem like this is new, but we had Pauly Shore and Carrot Top.
Instead of suppressing votes, why doesn’t the GOP just adopt a platform that everyone can get behind? Oh, right--they want to enslave everyone who isn’t a millionaire. Fucking cunts.
Chess isn’t good for y0u. Carlsen is 27, but looks 47. Kid, get out in the sun and live life a little.
He’ll fuck it up and get shanked in the yard over 30,000 Pyramid he didn’t make good on.
Yeah, that strike killed a lot of good shows. It was an important stand for the WGA to take, but it’s still a shame some great shows suffered, and some died.
The people vulnerable to this shit are old. My mother got scammed by an internet scumbag last week. About 20 minutes after the call, she got wise. When she went to the bank, they watched her money switch accounts right before their eyes. The bank shut it all down, but it was so near to her being wiped out. Computer…
I know Ms. Biles is probably super busy with her training and competing, but could she also serve as U.S. Gymnastics president and CEO? I mean, not on a daily basis, but on top of her superhuman skill, she seems smart enough to make basic decisions that recent leaders haven’t been able to grasp. Could they have a “run…
Ugh. Why are you giving this douchecanoe oxygen. Not worth it. Let’s have fun without him.
Old enough to get it.
Can you imagine what kind of porn he’s into? Really fucking dark.
Mike Pence’s eyes are too close together, like the headlights on a jeep.
Yeah, it’s really cynical. Lie to people and go after their base instincts, tricking them into accepting your position. The republicans realize they are out to fuck over everyone but the rich, so they pull shit like this to get votes. God forbid they just run on a platform that people can support. I’ve been saying for…