Suburban White Woman Visits City
Suburban White Woman Visits City
I read this and felt like instead of telling any stories about the event, or try to connect with the people, you wrote a diary entry about how you went somewhere you weren’t super comfortable and weren’t welcoming in return to the people who tried to speak to you and then you left. That’s a huge bummer all around and…
If a tech gadget is as good and promising as their makers claim, they can get proper investment funding. The fact that they need to crowd-source for funds is a huge red flag.
I’m sooo very lucky that Thanksgiving with my family means we put the MST3000 Turkey Day Marathon stream on in the background.
This has come up on kickstarter before and it will come up repeatedly: manufacturing is complex. It’s a numbers game and requires expertise.
Here’s one little example about manufacturing that a lot of people don’t know: plastic is actually very expensive in small quantities. Depending on the process, you have to tool…
Pebble delivered, for instance (I backed, this was heady days) - but I still would have been better off just waiting for them to fix all the initial problems (my watch display died twice) and then buy it cheaper than the Kickstarter price.
Unfortunately, backers claim that what they’re getting is very different from what they paid for.
One thing I like about Amazon is that customers will sometimes upload pictures of their use of the product. This is useful with many items, but particularly with clothing, so you can see what it looks like on a person who is not a model.
It’s why I walked away from that community several years ago and have never looked back. The whole thing just seemed like a really elaborate cover for what was otherwise garden variety predatory behavior. And it was coming from all corners of it. It was exhausting to process, let alone navigate, and I wanted no…
You sound like some acolyte circa 1999.
After I learned a little more about physics, the whole idea of a Death Star suddenly seemed kind of ridiculous. If you have FTL technology, you could fling a golf ball at light speed into a planet and fuck its shit up real good.
Apparently, he’s also in the midst of writing a screenplay about a man who goes back home to a lake-side cabin after being falsely accused of sexual misconduct in the workplace.
I taught at a college in Kentucky for ten years.
At the end of that time period, our institution was (and many others across the state were) faced with layoffs because of both some fiscal concerns within the larger controlling body of those colleges, and because Governor Bevin decided to strip appropriations for higher…
I really want it to be more ok for people to discuss their salaries. People are so money-squeemish. Having it instilled in us that talking about pay is uncouth has only hurt us. But keeping pay secret only helps employers, for the rest of us it’s powerful information.
Jesus, CW, between this and Riverdale, why are you cutting Brit Morgan out of all your shows? (P.S. The only acceptable answer is that there’s a Middleman revival in the works that we don’t know about. I hope it ART CRAWL!s out of its coffin. \o.)
I identify as a tuna fish sandwich. The use of “folks” is offensive to me. Please use acceptable words, like “items” or “entities.”
The Butterfinger makes perfect sense. You probably hate the Clark bar, too, you Philistine.
In addition to all those benefits, with a password manager, I now have a record of all the accounts I have, meaning I can track what rando sites out there has my info. All those random subscription accounts and throwaway emails won’t be sitting out there forgotten. I can definitively close them or change the…
As others have noted, this chart only works if you assume that the mortgage payments include taxes and insurance, AND the salary is net (after-tax)