
Have you ever played a game that has been left behind by the publisher? I’ve been playing since 1e, and am a huge fan of several TTRPGs that were published by companies that are out and out gone.

If you can, for the team, keep on living that would be awesome.

I’ve been enjoying the subtlety.  That must be the difference.

It feels like you haven’t been paying attention.

My wife’s theory is that you can’t put the cuirass on yourself, it has to be put on by someone else that wants to protect you (which is what we saw in the flashback to it’s first use)

Now now, Avatar steals from a lot more stuff than just Tarzan and Dances with Wolves. Google “Call me Joe” some time.

Some kids think about what they are presented with. I did. My Friends did.
Children you know will.

A take I heard a long time ago in a forum discussion about Transformers Gender was that it probably wasn’t a thing when they lived on Cybertron, but that when they came to earth & learned our language & changed their bodies so they could change into earth vehicles they were also learning our culture & figuring out how

Only because you are looking at the graphics.

I think the temptation of a reboot is that you look at a media property and say “look at how all these things fit together so well! we could just do this again, maybe take out a couple cringy bits, and it will be magic!”

How much does a pre-planned funeral with professional mourners, actors hired to start a fight over which of my secret underwear model girlfriends loved me more, and at least three groups of heavily tattooed toughs with various international accents to all show up & visibly relax once they confirm I am in fact dead?

Yeah, the real choice is Ads for $7/Month or no Ads for $10/Month.

The Videos show people coming out of their houses to take the packages out of the Robots. That was probably a compromise to get a early prototype working. I personally am never home when deliveries happen so having a ‘bot waiting outside my front door for me to get home & take my $15 prime delivery out of it’s

I think the vision was always to get these to be 100% autonomous, unsupervised machines. The problem is they have been working on them for several years now & they are not getting close enough to that goal.

Yep, Netflix Daredevil would have been out fighting Ninjas & letting his Clients go unrepresented unless Foggy happened to be there.

My parents got into one of the worst fights in their marriage over who they would share imaginary lotto millions with. They agreed they would share some with my Grandparents and Aunts/Uncles. This was long enough ago that Cousins weren’t a thing yet.

A decade later it’s easy to forget how the advertising may have contributed to the death of Universe in a way the actual show didn’t.

It has been heavily implied that there is a third personality that is a lot more angry and brutal than Marc or Steven. Apparently in the comics there is a personality named Jake, so a lot of fans are assuming thats him.

Hela did destroy it. They stole it out of time so Thor (and Cap) could use it in Endgame, but then Cap put it back along with the stones.

Interestingly, I had to create a separate Vlan for my smart TVs because PiHole adblocking would cause a bunch of apps not to work right... like the Roku PBS app not working if it couldn’t play adds.