
The real problem with becoming an Elevator mechanic is that you will need to listed to these jokes for the rest of your life.

Rick and Morty has been leaning pretty heavy into Marvel-stuff from the beginning. Google “the Council of Kangs”.
The Council of Ricks is an homage to a Marvel thing from the mid-eighties.

During a deep internet dive years ago I discovered that back in the late 70s there was a Broadway production of “Dracula” with sets designed and illustrated by Edward Gorey.
Raul Julia was the replacement Dracula after the first guy moved on to another show.
I was like 3 years old at the time... but this is the show I

Debbie out carousing with the Sailors while she waits for Fester to die in a fire seems a bit... crass?.. for an Addams but then she is about the Pastels.  They would have had to accept her more gauche ways.

You have a character misnamed.  This movie (and the first book) Feature Duke Leto the first.

I feel that Paul only becomes interesting after he starts to realize the prison his future vision is creating for him but before he gives up on ever escaping. (So the end of Dune, parts of Children of Dune... and done)

Leto II was always more compelling.

Even if he wanted it, he is too big of an actor for the part.

True, but Cosmic Cubes in the comic are different than the Tesseract from the MCU, even if they look the same.  Different power source, different rules.

The phone is a thing, but so are about half the outfits and hairstyles.

He is clearly doing Le Tigre.

You are thinking like a rational person who recognizes that some jobs are dangerous.

When they finally meet the power behind the TVA is is pretty clear that the TVA is choosing the timeline that results in his existence and is pruning all the other ones.

I’m a man around 6'3" and grew into my full height in middleshool. Which was not awkward at all.

Exactly!  Let Kit have this one win vs a lifetime of being in Dottie’s shadow.

They still sell “Surface Hubs” which are their super-duper MS hardware interactive whiteboards.

You really should.

I found out the same thing about the guy that built my house (Cancer in 02).
Neighbors have told me that he was a huge naturalist, and my house has a big family room that has a great view.

Yes, because it isn’t the actual printer that makes you vulnerable, it’s the windows printing subsystem.

You may not.

Any printing from windows is affected.