
Having seen the movie but not read the novels, I always assumed he had an administrative background and was in command of the project to *build* the Ship, which left him technically in command until the ship was fully operational at which time someone with operational experience would have been put in command.
The cush

He was even an unaccompanied minor....

If this had been a show on TV in a dystopian future people would have said it was too silly to be real.
I feel like this should be the lead-in to “Running Man” or come after the “I’ll buy that for a dollar” guy from Robocop.

I love our times.....

My group was introducing several new people to RPGs via a superhero game (Hero System/Champions) and the super-team was duking it out with some Brotherhood of Mutants knockoffs when the speedster (a new player) stunned one. The old Vet playing a hero called Doctor Toxin advised her to punch them again while they were

My dog gets really excited when I put my Pants on because it means I am going to leave the house and therefore take her out first.  It is about the only reason I put pants on at home.
I admit to being a little irritated at the way she unintentionally calls out my pantsless life, but she is not wrong.

One of the first long-arc shows with lots of mysteries was Babylon 5. (not the first, one of the first). I recall that one of the cardinal rules that show ran by was that if a mystery lasted more than a season and a half or so the fandom was going to decide that the mystery was never going to be resolved and if that

That movie is also a damn treasure.
When Carmen Diez’s character shows up at her apartment in tears because her relationship with her boyfriend scored “not” on Cosmo’s “hot or not” quiz and Garofolo’s character slowly realized that SHE IS COMPLETELY SERIOUS. This is the first time Diez’s character has noticed any

As I understand it everyone was terrified of the Soviets space program and briefly went all-in on a fad theory that promised to give 10 year olds advanced understandings of deep matimatical concepts.
In practice, kids learned a lot of theory but not the multiplication table, the whole idea was abandoned, and is now a

There was an old Saturday Night Live bit where a Half Man/Half Goat hosted a show called “Hey, Remember the 80s?” The fictional show was just the Goat Boy asking if anyone remembered various 80s things with no context or analysis.
I felt like RPO was pretty much that with VR instead of a Goat Man hybrid.

Well the important thing is that you figured out a way to shit on people.

Well, a lot of people start out assuming they are heterosexual before moving on to other designations. That doesn’t devalue actual heterosexuals.
I think “actually bi” folks are asking for the same respect.

Unfortunately, it was also programmed to be a really self-righteous diode about the superiority of its own programming and harass other robots with different Bios Revisions.

I’m pretty sure that the free market in conjunction with old time values makes everything in the US better than anything anywhere else.
That’s what my politicians tell me.

I’ve already got adblockers installed. It’s just ironic that the people pointing a flamethrower at you keep reminding you to wear an asbestos suit.
This is what one of the adblockers I run shows for this very article.

I’ve never worked at Petsmart, but when I was working big box retail a few people did show up at 8, but most arrived at 9:45 (before the store opened) and left at 6 or so or arrived at 3PM (for the evening shift) and left after 10 or so.
So it isn’t overly hard to miss surge pricing. These aren’t office jobs, they are

The argument is that if you don’t try you will never succeed. It is very possible to do it all right and lose because you aren’t good enough or someone else was better, but the article was about a Woman who tried things she believed were beyond her and ended up succeeding at them.
The thesis of the article is that most

I remember that back in the day the fan consensus was that casting Arnold was a signal that this movie was going to be terrible.
Everyone in fandom wanted a post-Picard, pre-Professor X Patrick Stewart to play Mr Freeze.
Imagine the kind of movie that could have been made by people who would rather have Patrick Steward

In the big throwdown at the Ministry of Magic, before the adults show up the kids try to fight the Death Eaters.
At the end everyone is down except Harry & Neville. Hermione, Luna and two Longbottoms were down at this point but by got Neville was still up.
I feel he does not get enough credit for this.

OK, while I’m glad *my* imagination didn’t come up with that I am still horrified that anyone was actually afraid an afternoon of typing was going to fill up her 90s era college lab computer’s hard drive.
If they could have somehow implied that all those AOL floppies (which were totally a thing until the CDs got a lot

My argument around the bottlecap training was that *if* you got a ‘mon to level 100 you could then supertrain it’s IVs to be perfect if you had enough bottlecaps (which you can farm from lottery booths). So if you had a mon you really liked (part of your storyline team, shiny, etc) you could make it competitive.