
I think it helped that Spider Man was *also* starring in the original “Marvel Team-Up” where every month he had weird adventures with random characters that were canon but never seemed to circle back to the main continuity outside of the fact that he had apparently had at least one adventure with EVERY SINGLE marvel

It’s an Ultra-Beast, which is sort of a Legendary and sort of not.
In the games, Legends cannot be bred *and* there is only one of them.
With Ultra-Beasts you can’t breed them, but several of them have multiple individuals that appear.
Legendary/Non Legendary is sort of a grey area

I’ve long has a suspicion that the various Marvel Netflix shows have about 30% more running time than they have plot. That several of those hours are a waste. (Did Jessica Jones need to catch Killgrave, then have him escape, before they had their final confrontation? Couldn’t we have compressed that down a *lot*?) But

Tron: Uprising not getting a 2nd season is a way bigger loss than Tron: Legacy not getting a sequel.

He explicitly tells Charlie that he needs someone to turn the factory over too “and take care of the Oompa Loompas for me”.
Which implies he thinks of them at least a bit paternally.

They apparently live in the factory as well as work there, all dress in uniforms, all defer to Wonka, and have no contact with the outside

That is pretty much what Ant-Man was. It did ok and is getting a sequel.
We will see what the next wave brings.

Yeah, she was one year old and her parents hadn’t brought her to the US yet when Reagan’s amnesty went through. Ever since then there has been no way for people like her to become citizens.

In the actual “The Tick” comic book from way back a very shallow parody of Superman looses it dealing with The Tick and starts mumbling about Woody Woodpecker cartoons. “I always felt so bad for the Walrus. He just wanted to have a Barbeque....”
I think it’s kinda tragic that bit has never made it into any other

Now now, the funny south american people were fated to always be a White Man’s burden. That’s why Wonka puts 12 year old Charlie *IN CHARGE* of them all, without their getting an opinion about it, along with the factory.

And then they fall in love for no reason and the movie ends.......

While I think you are right, about 45% of my hate for this movie came from it’s hate on the Suburbs.
Suburbs = Bad, Hipster Loft=Good. Yes Hollywood we get it.
To quote another media property that hasn’t aged super well:

I always assumed the Clamshell ran itself and was too professional to flub it’s moment just because the damn princess didn’t show up.

For me the “I can’t deflower a virgin” being the line he won’t cross was the deal breaker. He was already such a jerk I was angry the movie tried to rehabilitate him at that point. He had already justified so many slimy things to himself that breaking off mid-makeout with his Daughter’s Friend just didn’t seem to be

I used to have a state rep I agreed 85% with.. until he was accused of a scandal involving using his influence to get a lake his family had a cabin on bumped up the list to be stocked with Trout.
Which is pretty much the most Minnesotan Scandal possible.
I actually voted for him in the next election as I decided I was

I lost most respect for that sort of idea when I accidentally discovered that a previous employer’s rase for employees who got top of the line merit ratings was 3.0% and bottom of the barrel employees who were barely keeping their jobs got 2.7%. On $40k/year jobs.
Merit based raises and yearly reviews have seemed like

Sometimes being a hero is being the man who steps up. Good job “Literally that guy + awesome + food”!

My Mother’s rice crispy bars are pretty legendary. Her (not at all) secret: She started making them in the ‘70s, and the recipe called for “one bag of marshmallows” among all the other stuff. She noticed in the late ‘80s that the average size of a marshmallow bag had gotten smaller, so she adds the amount of

They do that now. My state school just finished a $166 Million “Athlete’s Village” for it’s 750 student athletes. (about $220K each).
This is on top of an existing list of big facilities like the the $288 Million football stadium from 2009.
Meanwhile they are kicking around bumping in-state tuition 5% and out of state

Possibly, but I was weirdly excited when “Dare” showed up on that Netflix GLOW series about actresses learning to be women wrestlers.
It was behind a training montage where they were learning to be “real” wrestlers instead of just eye candy.
As it should have been.

The thing that always struck me about these lockdown drills is that a *lot* of the gunmen in school shootings are students themselves. I always assumed that after a couple of drills it would be obvious what the plan was and how to maximize the destruction if you were of a mind to do so. It sounds like that is exactly