
This is true, and they should get credit for this.
They also did it against the arguments of the leadership at the time after being given a presidential order. (The secretary of the Army was forced into retirement because he refused to follow a direct order)

Translation: “It has never worked up until now, there is no real reason to belive now is different, but if we don’t hope it will be different we can’t keep hoping it will change using the current process”
I think at some point it is OK to say the plan where we trust the chain of command to substitute their judement for

I remember about 10-15 years ago there was a BBC reality TV show were modern londoners lived as middle-class victorians for some amount of time.
In the last episode they were heading back to their regular lives & stopped to look though a “Victorian Living” type magazine. Their first comment was that all the precious

Congratulations! A ton of us have chosen something different, but there seems to be a lot of people who really do enjoy being parents.

This is true. People do change their minds about things.
I know from discussions we have had Mrs Jhamin never wanted to burn any hospitals down. The act just seems really senseless too her and she is pretty sure people would get hurt and it would make her feel really bad afterward.
So I’m pretty sure she is not going to

We are all the prisioners of our limited upbringings. I’m sorry your parents left you thinking you didn’t have a choice.
At least you figured out you did while it still mattered.

My getting a vasectomy was a prerequisite to my wife marrying me. I was good with it, I did it, we are very happy 10 years in.
I think a lot of folks get super nasty when you question their choices. Choosing not to do something people just assume everyone does is usually viewed as an implicit challenge.

I used to get a call at 10:30 am every Sunday from a little old lady who wanted to know if her fried Rose wanted to get lunch.
-Every weekend she would wake me up (I was always up late Saturday, I was in my 20s)
-Every weekend I would tell her she had the wrong number
-Every weekend she would be really embarassed &

You could have chosen any way for your bad-credit doppelganger to die and you went with boating accident.
A vaguely Classy activity, but still a humiliating way to go.

During an Off-the-record discussion with an ER nurse I was once told that shootings of people below the knee is often the way criminals show extreme displeasure with each other when they don’t feel the need to escalate to murder. A below the knee bullet wound will generally leave you with a permanent limp but will

My problem with the whole relationship was that they were going for pathos that wasn’t earned.
Dev & crew spent the whole show being semi-terrible people who were only vaguely aware of how awful they were (which the show seemed aware of and commended on with moments like the infamous “dinner with dads” episode). Then

I tend to agree. Example: Pacific Rim was a way better Evangelion inspired movie than an actual Evangelion movie ever would have been.
We got a bunch of attractive people piloting giant robots & killing giant monsters while impressive leader dude disproved of all of it until he gave the big speech at the end, which

You are technically correct. This was them continuing to perpetuate another really unfortunate trope:

Isn’t a mass-produced prototype by definition a production model?
I’m thinking too hard about Gundam aren’t I?

The thing that always bothered me about the production of She-Ra was that He-Man shows up every 5 episodes or so. Even when they were making the show they tried to make sure the “boy” character showed up enough to keep anyone’s attention from drifting.

Not a ringing endorsement of their faith in their own show.

Don’t be overly precious about your SSD. Page files are a standard feature of modern OSes for good reason and should be allowed to do their work.  Modern SSDs are designed to last for years with paging as long as you let either the OS or the ssd utilities regularly trim your space allocation. SSDs in 2017 are not

In our house we have a lot of frozen meals and dinners out, but it is understood that they don’t count toward your night to cook. If you grabbed food on the way home, you still owe a meal tomorrow.

Seconded. The stuff at Home Depot has always been packaged to be as “can’t fail” as possible, which means it is pre-treated with insecticide.

My local state College, the University of Minnesota has a really good Bee research program. Possibly most fun is all the diy instructions they have for bee stuff:

Burner phones (or just a google voice number) and a dummy mailbox seem line the minimum for anything like this. I’m shocked that isn’t the default.
Getting the real contact info should be a small but important relationship milestone.