Jake Hamby

I’m so glad you spoke to this. When I was young, this kind of “gray” behavior was so damaging. One boyfriend never listened to me, I would push his hand away and he would just put it back like my clear non-verbal cues were some kind of accident, and wouldn’t let me sleep until I had sex with him. I wasn’t afraid and I

My point was that gray area bad behavior has been more destructive to me personally than the black and white assaults (I’m not suggesting this is true of everyone, just me and how I’ve personally responded to these things).

I feel like asking repeatedly is so common in all other areas of life that it seems kinda normal. I wish no one asked for anything more than once or had to say no more than once. Kids ask for toys until their parents cave, salespeople call you over and over until you cave, I have to pester people endlessly at work them

Thank you for talking about this.

They specifically said they’re talking about issues that are perhaps legal but not moral and what, we can’t care about that? We can’t decide that a journalist as prominent as this guy shouldn’t be celebrated as the Big Woke Ally when he’s a dick to women? I don’t see why we can’t decide that. It seems reasonable that

Also, in case someone thinks I’m oversensitive or something, here’s a good quote from an expert in this issue from this Bustle article:

Hey, I know that fucking guy. He was loathsomely unpopular at my tiny school. Most people I knew found him obnoxious at best, doggedly persistent and entitled to women and attention at worst. This makes 1000000% sense. I’m way more shocked that he’s a “woke” public figure than I am that he’s a creepy, rapey piece of

Another thing we need to teach people is that you can say no even if no one else has ever offered before.

Also, the most severe abuse is more likely to happen to people of color/low income people like me. I honestly think that’s part of why it’s not been part of #metoo - so many relatively economically stable and white women leading. Something to think about.

I’m all for talking about these grey areas but I really hope #metoo leaders actually try and be strategic and target the most severe cases of sexual abuse first. Study after study will tell you that child sexual abuse from a caretaker, especially in cases where there was no one there for a child, is the most damaging

Maybe I’m just out of the loop, but the behavior described here doesn’t seem consensual. The behavior with the first girl was pure WTF in so many ways. The behavior with the second girl was just not consensual - like, her back is to you, I don’t know, maybe see if she’s kissing you back and then work from base to base

Jesus, the trolls came out in full force for this one :(

...what “bad ending that we have all seen before” is he talking about, re: the hormones? Does he think they're an addictive prescription drug?

Thank you, Jezebel writers, for bringing light to this difficult subject (RE: Messages reveal cis journalist’s groupthink. The referenced Atlantic article was deeply ignorant. I get scared of the implications of such deliberate ignorance targeting my friends and myself and the efforts to bring it to light give me

So, that bit where Singal says he’s never harassed any trans people, and nobody can provide a screen shot to prove otherwise?

THIS is a collection of left-wing thinkers? A bunch of preening Jordan Peterson clones who dismiss any suggestion that they fucked up as evidence of some vast, shadowy conspiracy against free speech? Declaring themselves #woke for bothering to call trans folks human, while totally opposed to the idea of working with

I’ve never met a dude name Jesse who wasn’t insufferable. Just throwing that out there.

As a trans woman, I have stopped reading news stories about trans issues written by individuals who are not trans. I am sorry Mr Singal, but your opinions on Trans topics simply don’t matter. I know my story, and how it took me 30 years to come out & be my true self. I don’t need to seek validation from you/him or

Good luck. Jezebel is ground zero for TERF.

“I definitely hope you don’t leave this beat, Jesse!”