That and “defective Teddy Ruxpin” will get me through the weekend.
That and “defective Teddy Ruxpin” will get me through the weekend.
This is a beautiful bon mot.
When a man’s hair shows you what he is, believe it the first time.
It’s an elaborate mess concealing an emptiness. You’re absolutely correct - it’s the perfect metaphor for what he is. “There’s no there, there.”
i’d like to say pelosi carved him up. but in reality, trump did all the work for her.
The only reason the ATC’s could start calling in sick was because Pelosi held the Dem caucus together in such an unbreakable front that the R’s couldn’t find anyplace to chip away at it. The fact that people don’t understand how hard that is doesn’t mean it’s not the most important aspect of the past month+. Boehner…
I recommend AN OLD DONUT BOBBING AROUND IN A TOILET as the title for when these great Trump essays get collected, btw.
Looking at that header photo, I’m reminded that it all comes back to that hair.
Classless shit. If he can’t eat it, fuck it, or build a golf course on it it’s nothing to him.
One of the thoughts that I’ve hated more than anything over the last 300 million years it feels like Trump has been President, is the amount of credit he gets for being some next level supervillain genius who’s masterfully manipulating the press and his believers.
“He’ll never work any harder at it” is extremely accurate, and I think the 2nd most defining aspect of Trump outside of Adam Serwer’s “the cruelty is the point.” As a lazy procrastinator, I can see so much of my own self-destructive behaviors in the shutdown and other failures. Trump just forgot to tell anyone that he…
Words have failed me for quite a while now, to explain the abyssal mess that President Trump is. Thank you Mr. Roth.
Another DJR classic.
Trump’s favorite movie is Bloodsport and he makes his staff fast forward through all the boring talking parts so he can just watch the kicking and punching.
I’m not sure anybody gets the credit as much as Trump takes the loss. Air controllers calling in sick is the logical conclusion to withholding their pay. Turns out people who perform an important function don’t appreciate being paid in IOUs.
I like giving credit to Pelosi, but really this was the air line workers (particular the traffic controllers) that steered this to a temporary stop. If this manufactured crisis could somehow revitalize the nearly dead labor movement, it wouldn’t necessarily have been “worth it” but would have produced an interesting…
I looked up the town and it’s 97% white, despite being right across the river from Cincinnati. They have never had a positive interaction with an Indigenous person or with any minority they didn’t consider “white on the inside” (we all know that smug kid has said that to his one black friend).
These kids didn’t buy their own MAGA merch. Their parents bought it for them at a rally. It’s 100% taught hatred. Rich white southerners sending their kids to “Catholic” school because segregation isn’t totally legal anymore.
As I’m a secondary school teacher, I wonder what the students’ teachers were doing? You see, I am also a veteran, and a human being. That nonsense would go on, under my supervision, for a maximum of three seconds. Followed by an apology, and a rigorous, teachable moment.