Jake Hamby

Police and prosecutors are the most powerful individuals in our injustice system. Not coincidentally, they’re also the most crooked. It’s set up so that everybody else in the the process is just cogs that they set in motion, or perhaps more accurately, janitors charged with cleaning up after them. They have to be

Yeah, I worked in a public defender’s office in Upstate and saw the same. Most prosecutors are upper middle class white kids. Just as the police need diversity, so do DAs, and they’re the ones actually sending people to prison.

That story is also a trip, the reporter is writing about the good detective who went against the system and reported honest yet still defends the KCK police chief as a “good man” even as the chief is clearly going to go and ensure that nothing changes.

I’ve been a lawyer for 23 years. The real scandal here is not that Terra Morehead exists. It’s that this country is full of Terra Moreheads. There is one currently heading up the DOJ.

Lawyer, came down here to say this. There are prosecutors like this in every DA’s office, usually several of them. Almost nothing ever happens to them beyond having convictions overturned. Professional discipline for prosecutorial misconduct is basically unheard of. In my entire career, I’ve heard of it happening once.

How does one read this piece and think, “must you really call her unfair names??” I then am immediately reminded of some of my interactions with white people, and remember their obsession with pretending to be polite.

Outstanding work! That’s wypipology research done well. Insanity detailed to a depressing degree.

Thank you for writing this exposé. It’s important. The word Evil doesn’t begin to convey Morehead’s character yet it is an evil devoid of any trace of humanity.

I was a public defender in NYC for over 10 years.

They’ll make some bullshit claim that we “have” to sweep this under the rug because she’s put so many “bad guys” away. Because, you know, we have to crack a few (black) eggs to make a (white) justice omelette or some shit.

Okay, so who’s writing the screenplay and will Emma Stone portray Morehead in the movie?

Recall that the GOP basically erased W from their collective consciousness, and all he did was spend too much money and start a war he couldn’t finish.

Trump never truly gets the best people to work for him, or they don’t stay very long, regardless of whether it’s for his business, legal or political endeavors.

What is with the complete lack of integrity with these people?! They willingly let someone treat them like a sack of shit and do nothing but sit there and take it. They’ll be able to get other jobs, no problem, because Trump has a rich long history of being an asshole and every future employer would know that’s why

But they never quit, do they? Can anyone explain why?

I have no idea who/what Diamond & Silk are but overall this is broadly correct. Movement conservatism = bottomless bad faith. Bottomless bad faith is the sine qua non of GOP/evangelicals/conservatism.

The conservative movement has done a remarkable job over the last half century to bellow and bully its way into having its most ridiculous and reality-divorced concerns taken seriously. It lies about and distorts everything: about tax cuts, about Benghazi and her emails, about immigration, about healthcare, about

Facebook is AOL 2.0.

The further Facebook descends down the path of letting that screaming white face of faux outrage dictate how they run their platform, the harder it’s going to be for them to get away from them.