Jake Hamby

Called it. I knew the second I saw the trailer. I knew he woke her up himself and then... well the rest writes itself. It’s almost as well thought out as every episode of Home Improvement. Tim does something stupid, wife gets pissed at him, he goes and talks to Wilson (who never shows his face), Wilson says

So essentially he breaks open her hibernation pad, because he’s lonely and because she’s hot, and hoping that also alone, that she could easily be taken with him. That is terrifying. We call that stalking and being just a straight up psychopath. He’s not once thought about how this decision would impact her. Never put

Cast Ben Affleck and call it “Chasing Aurora”

Stupid solution alert:

“Shouldn’t we keep someone awake in case...you know we encounter an asteroid field. Those exist don’t they?”

The impressive thing is that I thought the movie looked stupid from the trailer but I assumed the premise would be something worse like the ship’s mission was somehow sinister (sending everyone to an alien organ farm, or to fight a war, or something else not-a-colony). I was unprepared for the reality to be somehow

Seriously, fuck this movie.

They really should’ve went with a horror theme on this. Chris Pratt could be the creepy guy that woke her up and then Jennifer Lawrence could kill him when he tries to assult her and then repair the ship ‘cause she’s an engineer or a physicist or something. Then she puts herself back in a pod and no one ever knows

This is the kind of practical assesment of the situation that has no place in hollywood!

It seriously blows my mind that anyone would design a spaceship with a bar and a pool but no redundacies for freakin’ life support.

Once fully healed, Jim reveals that he recently learned the [Autodoc]’s hidden setting: hibernation mode. Unfortunately, only one of them can be in there at a time

Insanely, the original scripted ending had all 5000 pods getting spat out into space with the people in them awake. Then Aurora and Jim had to repopulate the ship using the gene back.

My 20s were filled with trying to undo the brainwashing of these “guy behaves in a shitty way - IT’S ROMANTIC!” movies/books/everything. I put up with a shitty boyfriend for too long when I was 23 because I believed his moodiness and crappy behaviour were signs of a deep, thoughtful guy, who just needed the right

At least Highlander 2 was so so amazing in how bad it was. This just sounds bad, like The Net bad.

A century ago an unsinkable ship with insufficient life boats on board sank, and today there are drills on every cruise ship to make sure every person on board knows how to get off the ship in the case of an emergency. There would not only be extra pods, but they would be very easy to operate with clear directions

The only thing missing from this misogynistic shit storm is a lot of mansplaining.

This sounds like a tales from the crypt plot, it would’ve been funny if she turned the tables at the end he goes into a coma after saving the ship, he wakes up a year later to find she’s woken up several other passengers knocked them each out as they woke and cut their arms and legs off so she could keep them as

So OT, but is there a reason besides “looooove” they don’t just take turns hibernating in the pod? Meaning they would be in their 70's when they land, which can’t be so bad in this super-advanced future. And they would then get to see the new planet, other people, etc. Is this even considered?

There’s a story out that Jennifer Lawerence got drunk in order to do her sex scenes. Fun times on set.