Jake Hamby

This post isn’t about Hillary!! Lol! Are you serious?? This is about the crybaby Trump supporters boycotting companies due to the companies anti-Trump opinions. They are pissed because others don’t agree with them. Umm, it’s called freedom of speech...The anti-Trump people don’t like his racist, degrading, derogatory,

I’m not happy with the Dems, but I think the people who won the awfulness election this year are the Trump voters.

Why would you want to see stories that are complete fabrications?

75% of the country didn’t vote for President Orange Asshat so you had better get used to it.

Let me get this straight. Trump and his supporters spent the ENTIRE campaign insulting pretty much everyone that’s not a white male. Now they ALL go up in arms anytime someone says that makes them feel insulted. What a bunch of hypocritical assholes.

That was probably 30 years ago. Farmers do not get paid not to grow crops. Some do get payments to work ground that isn’t being farmed. It’s called set aside. Right or wrong, the government has a heavy hand in the farming industry. I am not saying they should get out at this point. This is one of those things that I

Which is kind of funny, because farmers depend on US crop insurance to the tune of 5-10 billion a year. Add in subsidies to grow crops of particular geographic interest (like corn in Iowa, dryland subsidies for crops that just don’t grow well on land that isn’t any good for them) and the numbers just keep getting

Really? I guess all that fighting against gay marriage equality must have been someone else.

I really wish that people would boycott Starbucks for the right reasons. Those reasons being that their coffee itself is AWFUL.

Interesting that Samsung is on that list as President Elect Donald Trump himself uses one of their phones to write all those wonderful tweets.

Finally we can bring the country together under an umbrella of boycotting Comcast.

Can you imagine if the alt-right abandoned Twitter in droves? It would be as if a million voices were suddenly silenced, never to be heard from again—and there was much rejoicing.

Did you read his email? He said basically the kind of stuff that is already against workplace harassment laws won’t be tolerated by his company. Which, well, duh. There’s absolutely nothing controversial about his statement other than the butthurt it caused for Trump supporters who seem to me to be a little defensive

About half the population tried that. It’s how we ended up with Trump.

Trump just got major support from the element oxygen.

A person who supports a white supremacist or a pure criminal can still perform their position at work efficiently.

To be fair, everyone should be boycotting Yelp for their shitty and predatory business tactics. Straight up blackmail.