J. Halvorson, Senior Fellow @ Constitutional Task Force Society

Farewell, Splinter!

Obstructing questions about obstruction of justice is obstruction of justice. Congress must obstruct Mueller’s obstruction of obstruction of justice.

Mueller: “I make no determination on whether President Trump committed obstruction. I am leaving that determination to other people.”

Mueller on whether obstruction happened:

You know how you can tell the Russian indictments were just grandstanding? Because they weren’t sealed. The usual MO for such defendants is to lure them to an area where you have some extradition power, then surprise them with the charge and arrest them before they can flee. But that’s not what Mueller did. He

We all know Mueller wasn’t created Special Counsel to uncover hush payments to Trump’s sex partners, so don’t try to make the Cohen stuff into a vindication of Mueller’s appointment. The Manafort stuff likewise. No conspiracy there.

So hilarious that all the people Mueller convicted were caught for crimes unrelated to the 2016 election, or for process crimes — i.e. crimes that were products of the investigative process itself such as lying to investigators.

Disqualifying older citizens from elected offices would amount to taxation without representation. It would be exactly the sort of imperious iniquity that justified the Boston Tea Party and the Declaration of Independence.

Attorney General Holder is right. Prestigious legal think tanks such as the Constitutional Task Force Society are underrepresented in the Supreme Court and it’s high time to rectify this imbalance by making more room on the bench.

This is the very definition of a fishing expedition. Democrats are requesting mass document dumps without even the pretense of having evidence of specific incidents of wrongdoing. Essentially they’re casting a net and hoping to catch a fish, any fish.

Allow me to remind this cheeky young North Dakota hipster that President Trump won 62.96% of the popular vote in North Dakota in the 2016 presidential election.

Any patriot would be proud to give both his children to defend the Constitution. Otherwise Queen Elizabeth II’s redcoats would be marching in American streets.

Give it up. Mueller didn’t charge anyone with treason, or with an election-tampering conspiracy with the Russians. Don’t you think he would have filed such charges if he had sufficient evidence?   Or is the insufficiency of evidence grounds to continue investigating ad infinitum?

The fishing expedition must go on! Who knows, maybe it can catch some more people lying to investigators, or nail them for various crimes unrelated to the 2016 election.  Keep fishing!

This is the fishingest fishing expedition that ever fished. Democrats aren’t even pretending to have any evidence of nefarious content in the Putin/Trump discussions. But Democrats want to check and see, just in case, because hey, you can’t be too careful when it comes to treason!

Unproven allegations, not evidence. From day one, Mueller has promiscuously taken advantage of the fact that Putin will never allow any Russian citizen to be extradited to face charges in this case, which means any allegations against Russian individuals will never be tested in a court of law. They’re freebies, and

And to think they’re some of the smarter members of this community. Nonetheless I feel a social obligation to educate these peons about the Constitution even though it’s mostly way over their heads.

Cynical opportunists will blame the L.A. teachers’ strike for inciting widespread social unrest in Los Angeles and use it as a pretext for weakening the 2nd Amendment. We mustn’t allow them to succeed.

You’re paranoid.  You see Tomatoes everywhere.

Assimilation is a double-edged sword, considering that the very existence of America as an independent nation is literally the product of treason.