I know several people who daily drive Elise and Exige models. They have great gas mileage, and what makes them not all that safe on public roads? They aren't that fast.
I know several people who daily drive Elise and Exige models. They have great gas mileage, and what makes them not all that safe on public roads? They aren't that fast.
To shed some more light on the car, the badge is located on the drivers side front fender. I dont know a whole lot about it, but the next time I see the car, I can ask about the model year.
I aspire to be this man when I grow up.
1) That is one nice looking fuel gauge in the 360, not gonna lie, I wish I had one like that. #savinmypennies
Yeah, but that BMW wagon has been upgraded to LS reliability and power. And that brown. And it's a manual.
so, my beef with this video is that it seems as though the camera guy has never held a camera before, and the driver seems to have never driven paddle shift before. He could have shifted up more to give a smoother ride, and actually stopped at that first stop sign, but driving that thing, a couple tickets dont matter,…
Check the oil and tires, fill the gas tank, get going.
A $255k do whatever I want and get reimbursed pass if my gazillion dollar car stops running? Just let me run out of gas within walking distance of the playboy mansion. Ill rent a lambo for the drive home and put up with "just" a V12.
Best way to get people to walk away: "It's a rental."
Are some of these cars truly unreliable, or just victim of high maintenance cost? I think that's a much more important question. I don't see why the SL600 or C55 are on this list, because they aren't unreliable. Most people just skip service because it's not cheap. Then again, neither were the cars when new, so it's…
Best day at the office ever.
It could use a better exhaust, like the 500 Abarth...It looks amazing though!
I need me a go kart. Unfortunately, there aren't really any places for them near me....no tracks anywhere immediately around me..
Make a mini Rally Fighter. It's not that hard.
What was the complete opposite of that? What left you wanting more?
What is the least comfortable Porsche you've been behind the wheel of?