
When my ex-wife and I began divorce proceedings, I moved into a nearby apartment. The day after my move, a vendor brought food to my workplace. Someone asked how my move went, I said fine. The vendor quipped, “What’s the matter, you get kicked out?” I respond, “Yeah, basically”. It was so much fun watching her squirm

Just saw this.

Dr Nancy is too easy on her. I’m also an MD internist. Her entire regimen is woo. She acknowledges her privilege of having food and a roof over her head; not mentioning a famous husband or the wealth to buy IV vitamin C or electronic woo.

Hilarious review! Thanks.

Another excellent entry by Beth. (I’m tempted to call you Dr Skwarecki.) As I recall there are over 300 species of bacteria in healthy colons. The notion that a food or supplement with 1-3 species could exert any real influence is dubious at best. Long-term the influence of diet, especially omnivorous vs vegetarian,

Evidence, proof? May be correct, but I’d bet a lot more boomers knew how to drive a stick at one time, compared to millennials. Regardless, doesn’t say anything bad about either generation. More a matter of preference and availability.

I never cared much for calf’s liver. Maybe, with the advice here, I’ll give it another try. Fried chicken livers are another matter altogether, though I haven’t had them in ages.

Not long ago I felt a yearning for something from childhood- Underwood Deviled Ham. Wasn’t easy to find, but I did. And no... never again.

I don’t agree about his intent. But yes 200 isn’t a whole lot of people. If you have a better idea, let’s hear it. Protests, argument, statistics, facts, confrontation don’t move the bar an iota. Legislative remedies like affirmative action and PC policing threaten many whites, whether rational or not. What do you

Aren’t there a couple different types of buttermilk? Does it matter which?

The divide on his memo remains deep. I thought some of the memo was sensible. The selective quotes in this article make it clearer as to why so much offense was taken, but there really is more to the memo. I really cringed when he used the antiquated and laden term ‘neuroticism’. Diversity is a good goal in general