
I meant its not worse in terms of detaining groups of people. This was a relatively small group of people and they (supposedly) knew that one of them was the suspect. A sobriety checkpoint is detaining many more people (yes, for a much shorter time) without knowing ahead of time if any of them are suspects of anything

I think handcuffing was taking it a bit far, but in the circumstances its not totally out of the realm of reason. They were looking for armed suspects, after all.

I guess maybe if you lost your job or your kid got in trouble or something because of you being detained for those 2 hours, you could sue them. Otherwise, just the fact that they were detained doesn't really constitute anything unreasonable IMO. It was only 2 hours.

Oh, my mistake. I didn't know Enterprise had ever been on the crawler.

They should get a fleet of retired predator drones to do this work for them.

Hasn't Microsoft had the same thing for years, for Birds-eye view on their mapping?

with America's five shuttles — Atlantis, Challenger, Columbia, Endeavor and Enterprise

But I like my glass cookware!

Eating off-menu at Taco Bell is awesome.

They might be released later; that has been the case in the past. When the unibody MBP first came out in October 2008 the 17" wasn't released until the following year.

Too bad its NO2 and not N2O. Cooking dinner would be hilarious.

Navigon? Garmin? TomTom?

The 30-pin cable can do line-level audio and analog video alongside the digital signal, which can be handy for older stereos and receivers and such.

That, or a spent fuel pool.

Fair point, but the two are interchangeable. Where I used to live, there was no natural gas pipelines in the ground and everyone used Propane in their stoves. And you can also hook up an outdoor grill to a hard line and run it on natural gas.

Gas grills use the same gas as a gas stove, so no, should be just fine. (Except for the mess)

You should move to a state where they issue medicinal marijuana prescriptions. It sounds like your stress level is a bit high.

Actually, it would look really cool if they could have the logo appear seemingly out of nowhere when the laptop is opened. I wonder if they could make the holes small enough. The ones for the sleep light are pretty tiny.

Yup, all of my Saabs did this as well. If you lugged it it would start sounding like a diesel. Terrible for the combustion chamber, but those old ones didn't have much in the way of ignition controls like new cars have.

Better for the planet, worse for your lungs. Gasoline engines output more greenhouse gases like CO2 and diesels output more particulate matter, NOX and SOX etc that cause smog.