
It's more a sensitivity issue, relatively speaking the heat output is pretty low compared to a tungsten lamp, but the diodes are not good at coping. I don't know exactly what the correlation is, but the lifespan can go from 50,000 hours to 5,000 just by not properly dealing with the heat from the driver.

There is a cottage industry of people who tear down Apple products. Have you not heard of iFixit?

3. Hmm, I guess Borg is sorta swedish-sounding... But yeah, space chandelier would have been a better name than Crystalline entity.

Interesting. Personally I occasionally eat red meat, because it happens to be delicious. Furthermore, I enjoy my steaks medium-rare, because to my palate that is the tastiest way to cook a steak.

This is definitely the way to go. I mean, most airports are also government-owned but if the government ran the airlines we wouldn't have air travel like we do today.

I can understand the appeal of a 4-5" screen on a phone (I mean, they look awesome in the store), but personally I went the route of small phone/big tablet and it seems to fill all the needs I might have. I use the tablet for most of my browsing and gaming (as far as casual gaming goes) and the iphone is nice n' small

I fully expect this. I give it 2 years.

Steve Jobs will be the Tupac of the tech sector.

And the doctor from Voyager.

Well yeah, sorta, but you can't just say UHFs. No one says that. The term UHF is more of an adjective (if an acronym can be) than a noun. The correct term here would have been to say they broadcast it over the UHF band. The sentence as is reads fine to me.

No, no. That's a performance luxury sedan. Totally different.

True I suppose, but if they throttle you to 50kbps you wouldn't be able to hit 20 gigs in that month. You could hit about 15GB tops and that's soaking the connection 24/7 for 30 days.

That would accomplish nothing apart from forcing them to do this more quickly.

They already did, essentially.

You seem to have a personal problem with engineers in general. You should probably work on that. Fact is, there are good engineers and there are bad engineers, just like there are good scientists and bad scientists. Frankly, I don't see what it accomplishes to think you're better than everyone else just because of

That's a shame. It was a nice thought, but, as you say, reality is not ideal.

Trade school is job training. College IMO is where you go to learn how to learn. What an employer sees in someone who earned a 4-year degree is someone who has the ability to learn a range of skills and use them effectively. They may then have confidence that that person has the ability to be trained to do whatever

Approaching and solving problems is the bailiwick of the engineer.

You shouldn't think of college as job training. That said, it does come in handy to have a degree related to the jobs you seek. If you're just looking to learn programming, you could do that at a trade school, what you really want is a 4-year degree in comp sci or software engineering.

But a programmer is just a type of engineer, so really any engineering field would teach the same methodology with varying degrees of applicability to everyday technology.