
The best thing you can do is not alienate allies right now.

How you managed to gather offense from that comment is quite a feat

I’ll go back into my hole now. Sorry about showing up and trying to show support like a normal human.

The best thing you can do right now is pipe the fuck down and not make this about you.

Sooo the whole anti-white thing you got going on here is an example of why a bunch of white people voted for trump. This story really wouldn’t have changed if you left out the fact that you’re white. But w/e.

Easy way to wipe out HIV in a population: Stop fucking people with HIV. Not exactly rocket science. I dont

Yeah, I liked her for a minute in 2015, but then I heard her racist fucking lines and thought...fuck you, Amy Schumer.

No no. We call them DREAMers now

That is not what the police report said. Why are you lying about it? Your reading comprehension is a joke.

Rape accusers should always be believed until it is proven not true.

So throwing away long-respected journalistic principles, whereby people may tell you things they otherwise wouldn’t/couldn’t in exchange for confidentiality, is OK as long as you don’t like the guy? We’ve become a nation entirely overtaken by feelings.

Haiti gonna Haiti.

This is an example of “thinking like a bait fish.” Bait fish live in schools of thousands. The odds are with any particular fish that he won’t be the one picked off by the barracuda or the pelican. It’s a form of insular, selfish ignorance suitable for a fish.

Yeah, and all those school shootings were ordered by Obama to promote gun control. Or is it only okay to believe in crackpot bullshit when it supports the Democrats?

Gawker Media on Wikileaks disclosing info on the US gubmint, military, republicans and conservatives - The Second Coming of Jesus Christ!

Considering rape statistics in immigrant friendly Scandinavian countries have risen by as much as 500% over the last few years, why the ever lasting fuck did they not think of this BEFORE letting in millions of men from inherently misogynistic and patriarchal cultures?

ESPN leans southern conservative? You must be watching a different network than I am. They are so far left wing they make MSNBC look like Fox News.

That’s right - remember that obvious pandering to the right when they gave Caitlyn Jenner the Arthur Ashe award? Might as well have put a confederate flag on the trophy.

Everything warrants being mocked. This is the fucking internet.

You really can’t see why this is stupid? The narcissism, the addiction to their phones, the inability to connect to the world around them. It’s all pretty sad. I mean it’s not like they took one or two selfies, they were all literally glued to their phones the whole time taking selfie after selfie. The announcer is