Josh Gearhart

That said, I am a shitty friend. Just not GRRM’s.

I think the problem is as they expand, they are hiring the same people that used to be salespeople for other car brands. So even though there is no commission in this case, they resort to the same tactics they are used to.

If you amortize the amount due at signing over the 24 month term, plus the taxes (7% of new car value here in GA), this is a $550/mo lease. $0.66 per mile, plus gas and insurance. Not a very good deal.

Can we just play through this Presidency?

Nothing would be greater than the Celtics AND the Lakers passing on him and him ending up in Philly.

Hello! As a former Hill person, two things:


Some Americans like to do their own re-badging.

Now playing

You do know that most large animals in the Deer family get hit at night right?

Moose and other animals have a habit of walking out of a forest onto a road right in front of an oncoming car. The point is not that you wouldn’t see it, but that you wouldn’t see it fast enough to react. Meanwhile, a computer that is constantly scanning can react instantly.

B-21 Appropriations Hearing. It might not seem so intimidating to you, but I guarantee you that those two words strike fear into every defense contractor’s heart like no others.

Okay, so the Air Force wants more air superiority fighters - big surprise. But even with “just” 187 of them we have a very powerful weapon that far outclasses our potential enemies in every way. Our Air Force is the strongest in the world by an order of magnitude. And the Air Force folks need to understand that the

If you have a chance to get this basically brand new and don’t drive it until the head gasket explodes, then you should be charged with whatever crime they can slap you with.

Next question.