The singles on the first Jars of Clay album were actually produced by Adrian Belew - guitarist for King Crimson, Bowie, and the Talking Heads. He’s the guy who does the wierd chirpy sounds on Remain In Light.
The singles on the first Jars of Clay album were actually produced by Adrian Belew - guitarist for King Crimson, Bowie, and the Talking Heads. He’s the guy who does the wierd chirpy sounds on Remain In Light.
Is there no third party responsible for safety checking amusement park rides? I mean yea, these guys are complete dickholes and deserve to go to jail for their part. But how did it get to the point where they were able to simply throw away safety test results and cover up injuries?
If we’re lucky it will be Marlon Bundo
Actually, yeah, this is my entire problem with modern Christian music that isn’t old-school praise hymns. Rock music and praise hymns are not a combo. They just...aren’t.
Those were the days. No need to exercise to stay thin; just have a tape worm.
There’s no mention of his condition also making him a charming genius.
Hey, uh...
Thanks, Mitt Romney.
She’s his real girlfriend like Andre the Giant was over seven feet tall or like Sting was from Every Man’s Nightmare
It’s a one time deal.
New York is a giver, not a taker. Volume has nothing to do with it, per capita has nothing to do with it. The total numbers show that New York and New Jersey receive less in Federal Funds than they pay in. And those same numbers show that moocher states getting more than they put in are located in the South, primarily.
You would also think that they would get back more than 75-cents on the dollar they put into the federal government, but that’s the number.
Please. A huge percentage of that list is vague (i.e. “Worked to increase defense spending”) or highly debatable (i.e. withdrawing from Paris Climate Accords) or not an accomplishment at all (i.e. the last three bullets where traveling is apparently a major accomplishment). And the list of things he’s made worse…
But how much of that need to lie and believe he isn’t what he is rooted in internalized homophobia? If he could admit to himself and everyone else that he was gay and that it was okay, and find himself accepted, perhaps some of that would have been nipped in the bud. I know high-functioning narcissists who aren’t…
It’s startling how many of these true crime stories boil down to something like that - shame that becomes violence, some part of themselves they can only express in a twisted, violent way because if it were positive they would have to really come to terms with it. It’s not the only thing at play obviously, usually…
“Although I got zero points for my attempt at the triple axel, in my mind I went for it”
Their early work was a little too new wave for Ted’s tastes, but when Sports came out in ‘83, he thinks they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He’s been compared to…
Nick Offerman is also exceedingly polite.
Watched this with girlfriends parents and her brother and his wife. All of them NRA, trumptards, except my GF. They kept yelling trumpublican and nra talking points every time a kid would speak. Was brutal. All were in agrreement....”If I had a gun I would’ve shot him in a second.” “Need more guns in school!”