
I know I’m focusing on the wrong thing, but not only is the hat/slogan stupid, but it also looks so damn cheap. Tacky shit, fit only for classless, ignorant, racist, assholes.

I’ve slept 4 hours and 3 cups of coffee have done jack shit.

I was waiting for another deal like this to pull the trigger.

I was waiting for another deal like this to pull the trigger.

Yeah, no change.

I give him three months before he goes, “Fuck this. I am outta here.” This is a man who has been handed everything to him on a silver platter his entire life. He didn’t have to roll up his sleeves and work his knuckles to the bone for anything. And now he is going to take what is arguably the most stressful and

Worse than 2000 by leaps and bounds.

As a Jewish American, I couldn’t agree more.

As a Muslim American who spent the night consoling friends and family members, please, do not be jaded. As ridiculous as that sounds, it’s literally my only request. Because jadedness lends itself to apathy, and if there were ever a time to actually care about anything, it’s now, facing a clown president and a fascist

To anyone who voted Trump:

guaranteed income from people who don’t really care. of the 89 million “subscribers”, there is a large amount that are paying for ESPN and don’t want it just because it’s part of their package. if you allow everyone to opt-out and go al a carte, ESPN and others will have to figure out how to recover that income. they

Yeah. I still don’t think he actually faked the bloody sock. But I now believe he is the type of person who would do it.

Gary Thorne has been vindicated at last.

Not legal. He just refused to report the cancelling of debt and hoped he wouldn’t be audited. That’s like you stealing a car and hoping the police don’t catch you.

breaking news: football does bad thing

What are you talking about? Bussing people to polls is neither tampering nor illegal. It’s always been done by both parties, mainly to accommodate transportation for large groups of people to exercise their right to vote - particularly in areas where their voting precincts are inconveniently located.

I’ll get you out of the greys. You need to be publicly shamed.

I believe so much in “America” that I cry foul when you don’t stand for our national anthem, yet I will threaten to overthrow the government if the election doesn’t go my way.

It must be heartbreaking, knowing that your father doesn’t really want to have sex with you.

Just for the record: the police showed up and made those scary black people go away.