
Can Tebow win on Chopped? Can he rock that polo shirt?

That picture actually gives me hope. If Kelly can get Tebow to perform a gay wedding, he can do anything...

That slide is filthy dirty and Jimenez did exactly what a pitcher should do. Make Sandoval not want to do that again.

While The Washington Wizards name makes no sense except for the alliteration, the Lakers still take the cake for me. Seeing that THERE ARE NO LAKES IN LOS ANGELES. Definitely the stupidest name in all of sports

guess it looks like the TAX PAYERS aren’t the only thing getting sodomized by Washington! please forward this comment to your republican uncle.

It’s awesome that you say that like the appeal process is a bad thing.

Not to be confused with Mypos, homeland of this guy:

“Sure, I appreciate it, Dad. Giving me a football with my own autograph on it just seems a little odd.”

The conversation continues, though, and it gets more damning from there:

It may shock people to know this, but Rovell is factually wrong. Several economists (Andrew Zimbalist being one) have worked out that the free market value of a college football basketball player is well into 6 figures. See here http://www.bigcollegesportseconomics.com/

Wow. Wow.

"Butt-faced shitbag" is probably the most accurate description of Cowherd in existence.

Calling Goodell "The NFL's Barney Fife" is some fantastic Baby Boomer smack.

Oh, my bad.

Oh, my bad.

It's actually not a fact. The vast majority of scholarships give MEAL PLANS, which are only redeemable whenever the cafeteria is open, and at most, three meals a day. So you had a rough evening practice, and want to get something to eat at 9:15? Sorry, kid. Cafeteria's closed, and because you're on scholarship you

Am I alone in thinking DP has a pretty good show? I mean, Mclovin gets on my nerves but I'm fairly sure that's his intended purpose. But when I work from home, it's DP I keep on for ambient distraction.

Have no idea why anyone would dismiss SMB2 as "not a Mario game." I played it back in 1990 and I wasn't thinking it was some "radical" departure from a "regular Mario game".

We're even, because I expect more from commenters than willful misreadings of things I write.