
So no mention of the weird marriage where the wife forces the husband to act out sex scenes from romance novels? And we’re not talking the good ones, these were the 80s-pirate-rape ones.

I’ve always wanted someone to write Flowers for Algernon in the Attic — this miraculous treatment has increased my intelligence a hundredfold! But it also filled me with strange desires towards my sibling...

Also being able to use this with CAD would be awesome.


I estimate he was travelling between 140 and 160 mph. He traveled the length of 5 or 6 dashed lines within one second of video. Each line represents 40 feet. He was travelling between 200 and 240 ft/s, which works out to 136-164 mph. As a point of reference, the car following him traveled the distance of 3 lines

White is the New Black, coming soon from Netflix.

Maebe she’s faking it, Maebe it’s Mabelline.

I just shit myself with joy.

Well we know one guy who didn’t break out of prison recently.


Beating a dead Myspace.

With respect, you could have your eyes glued to home plate, but if you think you could dodge a bat flying at you at that speed, you are fucking kidding yourself.

Right before she starts dragging her uterus across the carpet.

I sure could use a little breather.

20+ years ago I practiced with the same medium in a similar style. To me, it was incredibly tedious and while I liked the end result, the 10-20+ hours it took to get there were not enjoyable, so I gave it up! The is a 3’ by 4’ pencil/graphite piece I did on rice paper of the interior of the applied design building at