I loved the PTT for work. It was great. Then the hood got a hold of it and made it annoying.
I loved the PTT for work. It was great. Then the hood got a hold of it and made it annoying.
Is this gonna be a callback to those douche bags with their nextel PTT phones having ridiculously loud convos in public? If so, nuke their HQ and now.
That's because they animal they make it from isn't yet extinct.
I love that new paint smell. Just look at the green splatter all over the handle bars. And this is clearly the best vessel in the fleet, otherwise Un wouldn't be on it.
Also, gunpoint is precisely the boarding technique. Good call!
Cancel the dive! The supreme leader is stuck!
How about making biofuel from the algae, and basically recycling part of the emissions straight back into the motorists' gas tanks?
Outrage! Scandal! Sacrilege! The Life Aquatic is one of my favorite movies of all time, and one of Bill's best. Wes Anderson is a genius.
This should be made into the town of syfy's Eureka.
For the fancy ones, you get the CYMK, but otherwise it's one for black, one for the other colors. And you have to switch cartridges if you want photo-quality.
"They've sent out an email to both people who have signed up for the program.." <-fixed
No, you have to buy the printer that holds 2 cartridges.
...and expire a month after you purchase them with no visible expiration date on the outside of the packaging.
PC load letter! What the fuck does that mean?
I now know the exact difference between Holy Cow and Holy Crap.
Dude, that may well be comment of the decade.
Can I work from my attic? I'm kind of stuck up here and can't figure out what to do about the people that moved into my house. I tried reading the handbook, but it reads like stereo instructions.
They probably will provide free replacements, knowing their customer service.
The latter example with the piled cinder blocks was VERY impressive! These things will be killing us in no time, which is why I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords.
How long before it's just the guy, two robot controlled excavators, and a Kinect?