
No, the conservative myth is that abortion is "ending a life." It doesn't make me callous to terminate a pregnancy, and it does make you bizarre to demand that I weep about it or be written off as a "carefree, consequence-free [person] willing to callously end lives for [my] own convenience."

Don't do that. The very hardest part of my abortion was the nervous anticipation I had going in based on the assumption that I would be wracked with guilt and emotionally devastated afterward. When all I felt was relief, I promised myself that I would push back against this narrative that abortions are a horrible

If you're working in a high-end store and can't pick up on the aura of expensive and powerful that radiates from a lady like Oprah, maybe you need to take your talent to Hot Topix or the Euro equivalent.

Excuse me? No one else is raising my kid but myself and my husband. Just because a child goes to daycare does not mean the parents do not raise the child. Where are you getting this ridiculous idea? We are the ones still responsible for educating, feeding, clothing, and teaching my child.

When my dog has access to unlimited food he turns into a keg.

While I mostly agree, there is something to be said for being fluent in "assholeish"

What the fuck is wrong with people?!?? If you can't afford your lavish, $200/plate wedding without expecting your guests to pay for it, then don't fucking have a lavish, $200/plate wedding, you spoiled, entitled, pathetic brats.

UGH. McCain is a dick. My famously conservative grandfather served with him, it was the only time I heard him speak of a fellow Army man with anything other than respect, and said he was a "womanizer and asshole" ...

She also doesn't go by "Congresswoman." She prefers the title Congressman. I'm serious. I really don't know what's up with that, but I have a feeling it relates to some women-hating bullshit.

One of the few GOP sponsored science bills was research into preventing this exact thing from happening.

I bet she has a ton of guy friends, and not even a lot of girls as friends because she just doesn't get along with girls very well because they're jealous of how not-wanting-an-abortion she is.

Do you think she belongs in the Douchebag Caucus?

Hmm. A while ago, I kept getting sponsored links to some page called "1-800-choke a ho" on Facebook. I reported it as offensive, reported all the posts/pics as offensive, and asked that they get taken down. I got a reply back from Facebook that they weren't taking it down because it didn't violate their terms.


Are you fucking kidding me?? She was an escort. She went out with him. He paid her for the escort service that SHE PROVIDED. The fucking asshole wanted sex from her, and when she refused, he MURDERED HER. SHE DID NOT THREATEN IS PERSONAL SECURITY. You want to spin this like she robbed him of $150 so he was justified

Jesus Christ, thank you. I dated a guy who brought his gun everywhere. Like we were going to be at Chile's and he was the only thing standing between us and anarchy or something. I once pointed out that if someone tried to rob us and he went for his gun, we were likely to end up dead because even a half-decent mugger

That's nowhere near what she said. They are two completely different situations and she stated that pretty clearly here: "This is different from self-defense, where your actual bodily security or life is at stake. " The woman who was killed wasn't pointing a gun at the guy and robbing him.

I feel like this is Douglas' attempt to be sexy at 104, or however old he is. "It wasn't my lifestyle choices up to this point, it was the sexytimes I've been having with all the lay-deezz."

Now, I could be being obtuse, but it seems to me none of you (commenters) understand the situation.

Why bother having children if you never want to see or speak to them?