
Stolen from my tumblr feed a million years ago but still:

By statute, he's officially innocent until the moment a guilty verdict is pronounced, so he has an affirmative right to bail guaranteed by the Constitution. The judge is free to set what may be an unreachable sum, but their ability to deny it entirely is pretty limited.

@you might be wrong.

this is likely to piss people off, but i think men are more likely to molest children which is why i wouldn't feel super comfortable with one watching my (hypothetical) children. i know not one but two women who were touched inappropriately by male babysitters. :/

Since OP was talking about living in Alaska I am assuming they mean weather conditions?

That makes sense. In addition to decreased coordination, the elderly are more likely to have rural backgrounds where they didn't grow up dodging high-speed vehicles. I know lots of old ladies here in Korea get hit by cars for that reason, I wish more of them were helped across roads.

"I used to watch Jessica, this chick who would not sleep with me..."

I can see how a guy who says this kind of thing would benefit from being able to run really fast.

Okay, so the headline of the Hill piece is pretty ridiculous and attention-grabby, but literally nothing else in the article or Lee's comments is unreasonable, objectionable, or outrageous. She's right. Climate change does disproportionately affect women and girls in developing countries, and we already know that

MRAs are nothing more than a bunch of cowardly wankers terrified of a changing world; the centuries old tactics they are using were vile then and are vile now, the difference being that women, even if we still live in a patriarchal rape culture, have a lot more power now. In a right world, the police would take

If MRAs actually wanted to mobilize behind the issues they raise, they'd stop whining about how hard it is to be a white North American dude and take action by, say, campaigning for workplace safety measures, or helping men and boys who are raped and sexually assaulted access the resources they need. But MRAs aren't

I think a great deal of these guys' problems is that they are not getting laid and therefore blame women for it instead of their dumbass selves.