They're having you do news now, Magary? Who took away your CAPS LOCK button?
They're having you do news now, Magary? Who took away your CAPS LOCK button?
Joke's on Fox13. There's nothing left to burn in Detroit.
Notice in your comments how you always disarm/downplay the woman's role and use a bit of hyperbole when you're describing the man's role. Seriously "unarmed" is the wrong word to even be using here coz Rice was unarmed too.
I am not defending the OP or Ray Rice. Rice deserved far more than he got. But a child doesn't have the mental capacity to make rational choices, that is why they have to do as their parents say. Are you saying an adult woman doesnt have that mental capacity either?
Just out of curiosity, let's suppose hypothetically that she hit him, and he hit her back. Let's suppose hypothetically that both hits were of the same power. What would your opinion of the situation be? I'm just trying to get a sense of whether the issue is that he's a guy and she's a girl, or if the issue is that…
Yes it matters. As shocking as this may be, when incidents occur the facts of those incidents are relevant. Reasonableness and proportionality require an analysis of the actual circumstances.
No one is encouraging hitting women dumbass. They're saying that both people should be held accountable for their actions.
I agree with that. Thanks for not being an asshole. I also agree with others about restraining. No I am not a woman beater and dont plan on EVER hitting a woman. It just seems there is a double standard. Indirectly we are saying woman can hit men and shouldnt expect retaliation; Just seems backwards to me in…
You should be able to stop it and fend it off but that's also why you don't come at someone with force, especially someone who's drunk in a small, enclosed space with no place to run away to in order to defuse the situation, because you've then escalated a situation to a place where force is justified to defend…
Prepare to be shouted down. I am still getting shit from my comments on Whoopi Goldberg defending these actions.
So it matters that he is a professional athlete? My point is if everyone keeps their hands to themselves there is no problem. Is that crazy??
So Im going to get killed for this and I accept it. Seriously in 2014...Is the stance that a woman cant be hit by a man under any circumstance?? If a woman hit a man she shouldn't expect retaliation? So women arent held to the same standard as men when it comes to hitting another human being? I dont know what…
My three year old daughter knows nothing about baseball. I play wooden bat league and she thinks that makes me a Red Sox player. Having said that, when you ask her who her two favorite players and she says, "John Lester and John Lackey (pronounced Wacky). Going to be a rough night for me....
Rice should be Jetsoned imo.
Coconut water is terrible, I prefer Al Kaline infused water for my unproven benefits/hangover cure.
Er......ummm, about Chris Webber playing with Shaq..........
The city's apparently the new Los Angeles in terms of stadium negotiations.
Historically, Nintendo never really invested a lot of effort into their baseball franchises.
I'm lookin for a driver who knows how to.... WORK A STICK. BAM YEAH AM I RIGHT?