The Big Daws video of gym pranks is better.
The Big Daws video of gym pranks is better.
At least it's not an Iowa Barnstormers jersey (altho the Rams would be very competitive in the AFL, don't get me wrong)
Think about what that guy is saying though - he's furious that the fucking Cardinals moved.
Guys, we all read the "Follow Every Order A Cop Says" article - these people obviously were thinking about approaching this police officer in an aggressive manner, and therefore he had the right to kill them.
I really fucking hate Joel Embiid because of his anti-USA soccer stance (also: he doesnt play for my team) but my god that motherfucker is funny as hell on twitter.
This is an honest question - do any women feel that maybe pressuring their friends not to get so drunk that they have no idea what happened - might help?
Yeah, all men are rapists. You got it.
I like how you talk about people being "allowed" to post things - as if freedom of speech only extends to people that you like, who think things that you like.
oh my god this was legendary
I think he was referencing the third one. Dude - how many times have you been at a bar when that drunken asshole in an All-Blacks jersey won't stop going on and on about how many Trys they'd have against these weak Americans - I mean jeez man it's like nonstop.
exhaust isn't emotion bro - it's exhaust
"If you like noise you could record your primal scream therapy and put it on a repeating loop and listen to it on any number of electric devices I'm certain you have lying around the house."
Yeah - countries shouldn't reform their bullshit laws, we should just follow them. Hot take, bro.
what a wonderful country
Yeah, it's not on the fault of the country for executing people over stupid shit at all. DON'T QUESTION, JUST FOLLOW
Normally I take europeans to task for anything and everything, but I'm with them on this one. Have you been to a football game recently? It's all rich people who were given their corporate tickets, or completely drunken losers who spent all their money on season tickets and bud light. Nobody actually cares about the…
My favorite part about Raiders fans:
1) The teenager who came up to me and told me that as a patriots fan "I know" that the NFL conspired to have the Patriots win that game via cheating via the tuck rule. As in, the NFL called in to the Ref during the game and instructed them to give the ball to the Patriots. I just…
HAHAHAHAHA OMG YOU WIN FOREVER. this is every jezebel commenter's first thought
plus people are too busy making dog fighting jokes to make a good michael vick herpes joke anymore