
Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner. Pretty much exactly what I was going to type.

It’s minor and mundane, but welcome to the modern world full of regulations. If you start letting 1 manufacturer slip by, then it becomes a snowball effect and others will start cutting corners too. If 3.2mm is the font limit, then so be it. It’s ultimately a good thing, especially for customers, and keeps

Elon still won’t let you suck his dick.

OK, I get and agree with the point that $750K is not enough liability coverage in the modern world. Heck, I carry more than that myself (umbrella liability policy), and my little BMW is not going to do anywhere near as much damage as a semi.

Captured market monopoly is always the end game of capitalism.

I think it was the fundamental shift that happened in the U.S. 55 years ago with the belief that a company’s only responsibility is to increase profits (thank you Milton Friedman). Most people still believe this, yet act surprised when cost cutting measures have negative consequences for the general public. It’s the

It sounds like it has enough brand recognition that folks know it exists and what it is and imagine it a fancy place to eat but haven’t actually gone there themselves, or perhaps have on an incredibly rare special occasion.

The story is on the menu. It was originally The Chris Steakhouse (no possessive) but Ruth bought it. She wanted the brand familiarity for the regulars, so she renamed it Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse.

Charge it to max all the time, get a two year lease and toss that thing for a new one.

James May’s latest India series of Our Man In... was really something. (It never felt condescending; rather, while acknowledging the challenge of approaching India as a foreigner, he showed me things about my country that I never knew about.)

That’s an extremely Tyler Hoover sentence. 

Too many questions and incongruities with the ad.  Then I saw Florida.  ND.

Water has been a red herring for decades now. It’s usually the process and flours. I rest my dough for 72 hours and get chewy crusts with crisp exteriors. 

If you were trying to get from the northernmost point in the U.S. — Utqiagvik, Alaska — to the southernmost point in the U.S. — Key West, Florida Lua‘opalahemo, Hawaii

And if you want to avoid that, do not vote for Crooked Trump or anyone who supports or does business with that crook, his family, the crooked Trump Organization or its affiates. 

Top Gear used that expression for car prices a lot. That’s at least where I got it from.

of course everyone fails to mention the correlation between the usage of now legal marjuana, and its products, and the decline of alcohol usage. it was known back in the 70s from a president Nixon drug usage commission study that the was an inverse correlation between the increasing usage of cannabis and a decreasing u

ANOTHER Gen Z person trying to instruct me on the correct way to eat. They can all bugger right off, I eat what tastes good to me, not what some kid thinks is ‘authentic’. Wankers.