I think we have different ideas of what not a lot of money means
I think we have different ideas of what not a lot of money means
Uh.... Someone forgot what the unions gave back to the auto industry during the last downturn....
So he’s the Randolph and Mortimer Duke of coffee futures?
So his wife can get into gunfights with the kids nearby? Yeah, seems like a really great idea.
Just part of the problem. It’s capitalism and money at all costs.
Even when done politely, the “you don’t deserve to be here” attitude still shown through.
Yeah, I mean dropping that “educate yourself” line is just a NICE way of saying “you don’t know much about EVs” and it was subtly implying “Know your place, poors” in the kindest tone...
read a little about the owner of vinfast, and you won't be feeling as much sympathy.
Car brands have good and bad reputations for a reason. Yes, it is entirely possible to buy aHonda/Toyota that may leave you stranded, but the odds of getting a turd from one of those companies are lower compared to many other brands.
This is especially a problem when you have a krait engine.
That explosion turned it into a widebody Charger.
I’m interested in all employees of a company having the same opportunities to profit from or cash in on the company’s success, not just the C-suite or other top executives.
“You make one silver coin, I make ten silver coins. It is fair!”
“No officer wants to take a life...
Cops aren’t going to just give you a citation and send you on your way for driving around without a license in an unregistered vehicle no matter your “citizenship” status.
Yeah we can’t see the front of the truck but I suspect it’s wheel spacers.
Why would a safety inspector be an employee of the railroads he is inspecting? Seems to me it should be an independent agency doing this. I seem to recall a time when the guys who were rating moratgage backed securities were hired by the guys selling those same mortgage backed securities. Contributed to the biggest…
Or c, work together to build something that does work and won't leave everyone involved at the mercy of a deranged billionaire. There are always other options.
…unlike America’s brand-spanking-new B-52 fleet…
No no, Rob...the car was built on a Pinto platform and it sucked. That’s why people don’t like them...it IS the car. It may have been successful back then, but that doesn’t mean it was a good car...and the styling sucked ass too.