
How often have you watched a tennis match to watch tennis? How often have you watched a tennis match because you want to have more context for what they say in the press conference afterwards? This seems beyond silly to me. She says talking to the press is bad for her mental health. What is there for her to discuss

Good for her. They need her more than she needs them.

For the contestant in the greys, who cares about other countries? One proudly points to America First. In America, we don’t care about “socialized medicine”. In America, we don’t have a national plan/policy for education or police. We are state’s rights and decentralization. We do not care what other countries do

The whole system is irredeemably corrupt.

*AKA the day every Karen finally sees the ultimate manager

Also, you may want to look into the terrorist activity in Northern Ireland and England’s response. Northern Irish terrorists were bombing and killing civilians, but the response from England was not to raze city blocks and bomb journalists. There is a vast history of conflicts to draw ideas from, so there is really no

It was a mixed-use building. It had apartments and many families lived there. They lost everything they couldn’t grab in less than 60 minutes. Imagine if that happened to you or your family.

I know, I’m amazed all the people who nearly died and had their offices completely destroyed aren’t more grateful to Israel for giving them an hour’s warning before destroying everything. 

Republicans are the dumbest motherfuckers on earth.

Thank you for understanding what I was saying and not jumping to the most bad faith conclusion, LOL.

Thank you for agreeing with me lol no one else likes my idea. (My mom liked it though!)

we’re sending our kids there to be taught basic math, history, science

Thank you. The idiots celebrating that the shooter’s name is Ahmed don’t seem to realize that white as a racial description is a garbage term that doesn’t include or exclude based on ethnicity. If you look white, you’ll be treated as white. Homer Plessy had to tell the train conductor that he was legally black in

His neighborhood will look nice with a hooverville-style homeless encampment stinking up the place.

I’m sorry sir, the shake machine’s down.

It’s really their fault for allowing her to believe this. 

True.  It doesn’t reflect who she really is.

Oh, come on, be fair. She wrote this way back at 8:20 a.m. She not the same person she was then.

And Rep. Katie Porter called her on it as well.  AOC and KP need to put a WWE tag team together and take a few GOP liars down in a Tables, Ladders, and Whiteboards match.