
How go from iOS 5 to iOS 4.3.3

If that doesn't work try this:

Don't do it. It won't void your warranty, but it is a huge mistake. Super unstable and hard to undo. If you do try it, undo it this way:

How go from iOS 5 to iOS 4.3.3

How go from iOS 5 to iOS 4.3.3

How go from iOS 5 to iOS 4.3.3

How go from iOS 5 to iOS 4.3.3

How go from iOS 5 to iOS 4.3.3

You should be fine with saved SHSH blobs...

OK, I have a fix... Get TinyUmbrella, go to the advanced tab (center of window) and uncheck "Set Hosts to Cydia" click Apply and restart your computer... iTunes (10.5 only), can now restore your device back to 4.3.3

It tells me my device isn't good for the current build and won't restore... HELP!

Big mistake.

DO NOT DO THIS!!! The update is super unstable and going back to iOS 4.3.3 is a long, hard process.

iTunes 10.5? We are on iTunes 10.3, and it is option click (Mac) or CONTROL click (Windows)

And they laughed at me for buying the Acclaim.

Great, this will save me the two taps it takes to open the App Store and click "Update All".

I think it will be 3 years until Apple releases their next OS, and the first build won't be as stable as Lion will be. I will wait for Mac OS 11.1

Because Apple is trying to transition to an easier to use user interface and a new OS core to run more powerful processes with little work that the user has to do. The Lion is the final cat and the final update of OS X. Mac OS 11 (or whatever they will call it) will be a very different user experience; therefore,

30 f***ing dollars or less!!! that is all it takes!!