
I am using that syntax, the only problem the only place I can get it to mount is /dev .

Firewalls protect your computer from getting hacked, not so much viruses (though it does help) Most Mac users don't need an anti-virus but a firewall is needed for everyone.

I have a Linux machine running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid and I happen to have an Apple Time Capsule wireless hard drive. I want to access this drive from Linux.

Sorry for such a late reply, but if you haven't figured it out already, the answer is yes, it will notice the missing songs and update the song list accordingly without causing any harm to the device.

By that he means a program like iWeb or Adobe Muse. Where you see what the website will be right away without any programming.


See I had the exact opposite as many other people. Lion was a GIANT improvement in performance over Snow Leopard me and added a very nice UI. (MBA late 2010)

For those who are talking about how lame of an update this is I hope you realize that this is basically more of a Lion expansion pack, not a new OS. Apple is simply filling in a few features they missed in Lion while they are working on Mac OS XI. It will more than likely be a huge update that will take more than two

I hope you realize that this is basically more of a Lion expansion pack, not a new OS. Apple is simply filling in a few features they missed in Lion while they are working on Mac OS XI. It will more than likely be a huge update that will take more than two years to develop... Apple just doesn't want people to feel

I have been running both Arch Linux and Ubuntu 10.04 LTS for over a year now and LOVE how stable they are. No crashes or freezes without a single restart in over 6 months. Can't say the same at all for Windows...

That won't damage the wire enough to matter... Cutting through more than half is when problems arise.

EDIT: Nevermind

Nice, except there is way too much white space, kinda of ugly imo.

In blog view with this article on top, I though my browser was really f***ed up...

At first I completely misread the title as Avoid Spills When Pouring Liquids with a Chopstick I though that is was funny that there would be enough people who pour drinks using chopsticks to write an article on it. Now that I have read it I think the title should be written as Avoid Spills When Pouring Liquids by


ZIM's are super compressed. Just using wget will download an enormously gigantic folder with thousands of unsorted files... ZIM's are explorable using Kiwix as if it was the normal site.

Or they aren't doing it right now? It's not like SOPA is being passed this week...

Android is open source. So therefore non of its features are copyrighted...

You need 5.0.1 And make sure you enabled it in Settings->General->Siri->Enabled set to "On"