Cathy’s Tits Lack Soft Cartilege
Cathy’s Tits Lack Soft Cartilege
9 strokes aaaaaaaand done.
I’ve seen this movie...
Are these lists for her assistant? As much as I would like to, I just can’t see her pushing a shopping cart in the Piggly Wiggly...
The most haunted road in America.
We did it too- although I pulled out out the Batman Boxer shorts that I had hidden up my sleeve instead of her garter.
My Wife’s is Fishy Wycoff!
Something tells me that girl has never been grounded a day in her life.
Hey! I had sex with big bush ladies in the 80’s!! I married one, too! Had sex with her this morning! It was great! I highly recommend it! Not with her in particular, you’ll need to find your own!
Am I your Dad?
Now that everyone know that Wells is the Bad Guy, can the team still use the lab? Doesn’t it belong to Wells? Don’t Cisco and Iris work for him? How are they going to get paid now? Will they still get healthcare?
Which one? Negril?
We were at an all inclusive resort in Negril. Pretty much everyone there were fresh faced kids on their honeymoon. Our schedule (and seemingly everyone else’s) was wake up, fuck, go to a late breakfast, start drinking, have an afternoon snack, head back to the room for a “nap”, fuck, head back to the pool/beach for a…
Mrs. JFD and I JUST went to Paradise Stream in the Poconos which used to be Caesars! We went at it like rabbits the whole time. We did it everywhere. The pool, the hottub, the bed, the couch, the floor, the bed again (a lot of times- and the bed was round and soft!) There were mirrors on the ceiling. Married for 24…
I have told my niece to never date anyone who’s television is larger than their bookshelf.
My 3am Bootycall is always asleep next to me at 3am. But she don’t like her booty gettin’ calls at that hour.
#TeamTaylorHam #JerseyRepresent
PENDING. Just like this post. What’s a guy got to do to get out of the grays? I’ve exchanged banter with people, others have liked my posts, I’m polite, nice to my Mother In Law, I don’t feed the trolls. Help!
JAWS on the beach. Duh.