
Sorry, there are good elected officials in North Carolina? 

This is like the movie equivalent of when a comic says it’s for “Mature Readers,” meaning it’s really deep if you’re 13. 

Imagine thinking any American customer is capable of kindness though. 

Man, the greys sure are pissy today. 

Maybe comment about it in the relevant article?

Ayn Rand sure didn’t!

Lol @ white knighting for fuckin’ milo. 

Fuck, will this finally cause the gamers to rise up?

“She’s smiling, she clearly loves it, durrrr” spew the greys

They greys are really slapping their chests over this one

This is it, it’s official: we live in the dumbest possible timeline. 

Imagine thinking FIFA cares though. Between them and the government of Iran, who thinks there’s a single person who isn’t fine with this?

Look, to be fair, rape IS considered a great achievement in Florida. 

Man, lots of butthurt losers in these posts today. 

Imagine seeing an evangelical and NOT thinking they’re a gross person behind the self-aggrandizing assholery. 

The greys sure seem excited about shooting people in the government

Man, lots of dudes who can’t stay alive without a gun on this site this weekend. 

Oh she definitely never had a soul to begin with. 

Oh shoot disingenuous assholes like Bloom in the face.

Q: How do you make any white person screech and cry?

A: Insult Chick-Fil-A.