
And voila! Crying white guys.

Stop clutching your pearls, Susan.

Oh that’s 110% how I envision them! 

Well, get over it and get a sense of humor. It’s just locker room talk.

Have you met gamers?

Aw, go cry about it.

Alex Acosta has definitely banged a child. 

Man, the grays are really pissing and shitting themselves over this one. I know they’re all pretty usually pro-kid rape, but this is gross even for them. 

Yeah, it actually DOES sound reasonable. But hey, keep crying over how people are mean to Donald Trump. It’s a great look!

Well, except the ones raping the 15 year olds in their care, right?

Easy way to solve this: nobody on earth ever went to a restaurant to hear the music. Just turn it the fuck down. 

The easiest way in the world to make a white person cry is to say you don’t like Chick-Fil-A.

Imagine having such low standards you see a Chick-Fil-A sandwich as “premium.”

Aw, it’s cute seeing a company use the language of right-wing incels. 

Did you have a stroke writing this?

I’m honestly fine with giving violent terrorists more uninhibited access to our nation’s politicians, that’s probably a long-term win right?

I refuse to believe a Russian in tech is a bad guy. 

Aw, the triggered baby is back. Calm down, baby. 

Yeah, that’s pretty much why people become border patrol agents, to harm others with glee. 

Real life Mysterio will be this specific cosplayer!