This may seem like a good idea on the surface, especially in the case of this particular judge and the Turner sentencing. There are at least two problems here, though.
This may seem like a good idea on the surface, especially in the case of this particular judge and the Turner sentencing. There are at least two problems here, though.
The murder charge, after all, was a real stretch.
Behold the grinning pestilénce of faux democracy.
Imperialists like white babies. A lot.
What a load of hypocrisy. Let them use all the damned drugs they want. Sports is nothing but a drug contest already, so let’s just make it official and move on.
It’s really a gravestone disguised as a milestone.
I suppose they vote better than everybody else, because celebrities.
Headline writer displays ignorance of overarching importance of Sports.
FINALLY! A Trump supporter actually acting his age.
Can somebody ask Hulk or Thiel to send over a real journalist? Or at least somebody who understand the definition of common English words?
Indeed, you obviously deserve her. Unlike many of the rest of us. But your towering mastery of the political discourse puts many of the rest of us to shame by comparison, so there is that.
I think the juxtaposition of these “stories” answers its own question.
All that enlightening food/sports/music “journalism” at the touch of a button. Wow.
No. Most of the problems in the modern military are stiff necks and eye strain from operating drones all day while stationed in a comfy cubicle.
So a public-relations program designed and implemented to promote militarism to a docile citizenry, owned an operated by an imperialist power under the direction of international war criminals, is itself the cause of death and destruction. Gee, who coulda seen that coming?
Yes ... in contrast to a candidate who is dangerously coherent. Both are dangerous. Neither is qualified.
The American Taliban is alive, well, growing, and marrying its daughters to rapists. Under the Trumpery administration, this could even become mandatory.
It’s neither a democracy nor a republic. It’s called an oligarchy. And this makes perfect sense in an oligarchy.
It’s a damned lie to characterize “the media” as self-loathing ... they are self-enriching, as always. It’s the electorate they loathe. Of course, most of the candidates loathe us as well.
Mytholegy 4 illeterrates.