
No need to be upset. The fix is in. Murican pro-corporate imperialism royalty will prevail.

Just let the NSA build the fucking things.

How about a virtual reality film of drone strike victims to show to all the imperialist stooges (democrat and republican voters, of course) to let them know how much death their taxes are buying.

Infantilism rules Murica. Did you miss this somehow and are just now catching on? Perhaps there’s an Adult Coloring Book out there where nominal “adults” can render her diapers in the various colors of the rainbow.

An infantile sport, covered by infantile commentators, to an infantile audience. Pure ‘murica.

Déath and taxes. An odd pairing.

Is there going to be a quiz? Let’s have a closed web quiz. And everybody who passes has to learn something useful to compensate.

In other words, she could have been exploited in a much better way. The world is full of missed opportunities.

Nothing gets you into as much political trouble as telling the truth.

Why one of these chillun’ might create the next great imperialist technology after our drones can no longer maintain the necessary kill rate to further Murican foreign policy. Go kids go!

Hey, let;s implement pee testing for welfare on a national basis and finish the job Bill Clinton started, to get rid of the poor, and save enough money in the process to make sure the Marines can push the maximum amount of shit when they land and give REAL Americans like you the stiffies you deserve.

The best militarized death is tactically relevant militarized death. It’s not murder, it’s a way of life.

Designations are cheap — and a damned sight easier than actually doing anything good.

This proves that reading in itself is bad, and she is probably very sorry she learned to “read”. Just “believing” is so much easier.


Don’t these thugs know how to get away with this? What are they teaching them in thug police school nowadays? NO VIDEOS dammit.

Imagine how good the non-breeding employees feel about subsidizing their breeding colleagues and contributing to overpopulation at the same time. Bravo.

Many folks find the secret you’ve almost discovered, that cheap vodka filtered is even better to drive on than expensive vodka unfiltered. It goes right outta that Brita bottle and right into the flask. Driving pleasure, nothing like it, and sooooo cost-effective!

Attempts to humanize the royals are bound to fail.

Hey, these are the same clowns who gave the peace prize to Obama, wringing any last bit of meaning (there wasn’t much) out of these so-called prizes (dynamite guilt honoraria, to be more precise). So why the hell not celebrate Cars for the Rich?