It seems like he’s an expert on the topic. The concern should be that he’s still the fucking Chief of Uniformed Thugs Police. You’re focusing on the wrong thing.
It seems like he’s an expert on the topic. The concern should be that he’s still the fucking Chief of Uniformed Thugs Police. You’re focusing on the wrong thing.
The systematic deprivation of privacy continues apace. Condition the sense of privacy out of them when they’re young, and they may never miss it. And make them pay for the (dubious) privilege because Capitalism.
P.A. system objects to pablum. Pablum prevails.
The abbreviated commoditization of a human being falls well short of the slightly more elaborated commoditization of a human being.
There is no need to besmirch or misrepresent Dante, both of which you did in this article.
So “loser” is a celebrity profession now? Thank goodness I had no idea who this guy is. Still don’t.
If there were ever any event where participants SHOULD be armed, this is it. If they won’t bring guns voluntarily, then they should be issued them. And the survivors should have to account for any unspent ammunition afterwards.
Meet the new Secretary of Entertainment in the Trumpery administration. (Yes, it’s a new cabinet “position”.) Let the rehabilitation proceed!
Where is Leni Riefenstahl when we really need her?
My goodness, how bad do you smell without it?
Nixon? He didn’t murder innocent foreign nationals (and a handful of U.S. citizens) by remote control. He didn’t pay amateur Pakistani bounty hunters to find innocent people to lock up indefinitely without a trial. He didn’t appear to believe in a manufacturing a war that never ends (or else it simply didn’t occur to…
Modern politicians are learning that a stoned, happy, illiterate, inattentive electorate is a wonderfully effective way to perpetuate the corruption. It’s working!
We KNOW you have the Jesus sextape. Post it. Go on. Whaddya got to lose?
Can’t you afford real photographs of humans instead of this berserk photoshop robotic simulation shit?
Grinning pestilence.
“Bad Chipotle”. Department of redundancy department.
Might as well get used to this kind of thing. Lots of crazies are jockeying for posts in the Trumpery administration. I think this one has her eyes on HHS, might even get it, too.
Thank god we’ve solved yet another problem of military technology. We’re just haven’t been getting the kill rate we’ve been paying for. This should help!
And that — right there — is why we can’t have nice things.
Mussolini and Hitler ask, “What is fascism even?”