Counterpoint: using a credit card for charges you can’t readily pay off is the digital equivalent of a post-dated check; you’re making commitments to pay money that you don’t already know is there.
Counterpoint: using a credit card for charges you can’t readily pay off is the digital equivalent of a post-dated check; you’re making commitments to pay money that you don’t already know is there.
If you use your credit card correctly, it is essentially a month long interest-free loan, you get rewarded (via points) for taking.
That is simply not true.
To be honest, you just made the argument for legalizing doping in sports. How many people watched this knowing it wouldn’t be officially recognized, but also didn’t care. His original attempt was through Nike (seeing their debacle now should raise some eyebrows), he had perfect conditions and pacers, he had shoes that…
I believe Israel should be criticized for it’s shortcomings. I also think there is a very vocal majority who are quick to condemn everything Israel does out of hate or ignorance, while allowing threats against Israel to pass by unacknowledged.
The group I went with had lectures from Palestinian and Israelis. We went to the West Bank and spoke with the people there. We went to East Jerusalem and saw the conditions there. I met a Palestinian christian living inthe West Bank who told me he fears the PA significantly more than Israel. Most of middle-aged…
I spoke with a couple people from Ramallah. They did echo what you’ve said here. I believe the quote from a Palestinian man I spoke with (can’t provide source since it was “off-the-record”) was “when a hurt cornered dog lashes out, it’s isn’t the fault of the dog”. Israel deserves criticism. But it also should be…
I have. I asked myself that when Trump was campaigning and elected about the non-party voters that voted for him. I ask myself that whenever I meet a PhD who is an anti-vaxxer (you’d be surprised how many there are).
Ah - if I knew how to make it happen peacefully, I would be somewhere making it happen peacefully.
I am a its not really an assumption. I can say from my upbringing we have never spoken nor prayed for the end-times in any Church I have attended. The end times are not something I really every think about (that’s the Baptists territory).
It’s crazy people think this. My wife and I have been to Israel multiple times with evangelicals and have never once heard them bring up the end times (besides when we were at Tel Meggido, to reference the fact that we were standing in the place know as Armageddon).
Reminder: if reported tips do not bring the employee up to minimum wage, the business must provide the extra compensation to match minimum wage. Employersalso aren’t allowed to pay “tipped wage” for hours spent working non-tipped duties.
Serious question: they’ve been blocking people on twitter, but what happens when people start showing up to games with fan-made Chubs gear on?
Yes. I hear you, Clem Fandango.
Just going to go out on a limb here and say that Ja rules.
I was a Division-2 track athlete for a college that had 4 athletes compete at the 2016 Olympic Trials, and was program of the year (XC/ITF/OTF) a couple years back. Our program is a top-tier D-2 team that competes consistently against D-1s. This ad was pretty close to my typical schedule.
TBH I ran track for a small (but very good) D-2 school. This was pretty my average day, except hanging out in the library; only cross country weirdos did that.
Its more like if your landlord allowed your development to be foreclosed, and another tennant was ready with a contract when that happened. The other tennant offered to let you stay if you agreed to take care of the development, but your neighbors in other developments convinced you to not take that agreement. Those…