
The klan wears sheets. And I'm supposed to ignore that while I'm baking? What is Fey playing at here?

Goddamnit! Anyone who works for Trump and doesn't end up in jail deserves to be scorned and banned from public life.

I should have said that I like his shows, too. I think he's successful because he generally has good taste—in food, in people, in locations—and serves up an appealing kind of sarcastic populism. He also gives a platform to authentic people even if he is no longer authentic himself.

Really? The interview basically ran like this…

You should have titled this one: "We Ask Gretchen Mol Questions About Various Men."

I'd put these pillows over my ears, but… those aren't pillows!!!

Just wait for the emotive musical cue that eases in at the end of Candy's speech. You'll be regretting your cynicism, sir. If you can find it through the tears…

He's John Candy in Planes, Trains and Automobiles. If you keep making fun of him, he'll make a speech about people liking him, you miserable Steve Martins.

A buddy of mine knows Bourdain and says he isn't a fun person. More of a "celebrity" whose true character is hard to discern. He's been playing a version of himself for so long that he seems to have lost his true self.

Max Power is another personal favorite.

I never understood Smash Mouth. But then I saw the Smash Mouth tweet about Pearl Harbor featuring a bunch of big Smash Mouth logos. They must be mad geniuses.

I seem to recall Sugar Ray having an earlier album full of Black Flag covers. I never understood that.

Ah, good, I was thinking the same thing about Snuff. I still put their stuff on when I'm in the food for something fizzy while driving.

This is embarrassing to admit… But I saw this writer on, ahem, Vice's Shot by Kern nudies segment. (Totally by accident. I was looking for something else!) In it, she talks about how a birthmark "Orientalizes her before anyone else can" because it is supposedly shaped like China. I suspect she may be… pretentious.

What I remember from my first tangle with the Gunslinger… Him getting his fingers chomped by some alien lobsters and desperately needing some antibiotics. And there's a magical subway ride in one of the later books… The lobster illness left the strongest impression. I remember a felling of physical well-being when he

What's "that" moment? I was just reading the It wikipedia page to remind myself what happens.

I will say she conjured a nice little scene featuring her younger self planting her ear against the wall to listed to Karma Chameleon… But then she ruined it by making it just another moment in her journey into music theory.

The general feeling that he's just making shit up is sort of why I quit him in the first place. Even as a kid, I couldn't shake the feeling that it was just one damn thing after another, with no grand design.

I read the first three books when I was a kid (I stopped at the
Wasteland because the other books hadn't been written yet) and have
often wondered whether it was worth going back and reading the whole
thing. What does the gathered wisdom of the AV Club message board say?

I wonder if Régine Chassagne ever turns it off. Rather than taking this fun and irreverent Q&A as an opportunity to be fun and irreverent, she boasts about her preternatural talent for music theory.