
Thank you for this reference. I use variations of this gag whenever there's a workplace Secret Santa that requires me to say what I'm interested in.

The deflectors dig deep! The health care line is from 2013 and the Bosnia thing is from 2008.

It's distracting to have attractive people play FBI agents and cops. I've seen cops. My dad was a cop. Neither he nor his buddies looked like Elizabeth Olsen, not even when they were young, hungry, taut rookies.

Also, I don't like it when people say someone "refuted" a statement, when what they mean is that they responded to it or rebutted it. I'm no lawyer, though.

Not an interesting comment, but I feel compelled to say that James Bond movies have never interested me. I've never understood why the naming of a new Bond is considered an exciting moment in pulp culture.

This has more to do with the first line of the review than the movie… but hasn't mobile phone technology been a blessing to the suspense and horror business? Wall-mounted phones were often yanked quickly from the socket when they were our main way to call for help (or the cords were used as weapons).

The problem was that all the policies were technocratic tweaks to an already complex and alienating system of governance. Tax credits, income top-ups, nudges, and wheezes.

My ISIS T-shirt is now my pajama T-shirt because I can't wear it outside in the daylight.

The twist is that the ghost isn't dead, but everyone else is. It's just that no one realizes it.

Yes, Blackcoat is much better. As I mentioned elsewhere in the thread, it has the same stillness and the stilted acting, but also pays it off with some good horror stuff. I actually found myself hurrying through my night-time pees because I was unsettled by some of the *ahem* supernatural elements.

It's much better than "I am the pretty thing…" It has the same stilted acting and stillness, but it also serves up a lot more horror goodies. I declare it a success.

Where is it written that Fun and Work can’t be one and the same? Not in our playbook, that's for sure. At SONIC®, we encourage and attract wildly creative people. Bold, unique personalities whose passion for what they do shows in the food, the experience and the culture of America’s most-loved restaurant brand.

Republicans control everything, but CEOs are STILL not safe from late Sunday night ridicule. That just goes to show how powerful Hillary Clinton is. We're all Seth Rich now.

Hey, this is modern times. We lavish untold resources on recreating the pop culture of which we are most fond. Let Dune be a trilogy!

Oh, I was just joking, thinking back to the novelty song from 1962 (and the Mr. Show sketch about monsters have a mash). Did they make a movie of "Monster Mash?" Or are you thinking of "Monster Squad?"

Let's just say the obligatory love interest won't be "Matt."

This looks like a cynical attempt to cash in on America's gauzy love for "the troops" and dogs. I shall wait for the dark reboot in 10 years.

Reservoir Dogs for Dogs. It didn't have a single dog in it, but all the dialogue was dubbed over with barking. And there's a scene in which Tarantino licks his own salty balls just because he likes the taste.

They should do a dark reboot movie version of Monster Mash. That might be more fun than "hey, it's been a year or two since anyone did a mummy movie and Tom Cruise is still alive."

Sorry, I should have said "Hong Kong and Japanese movies have plenty of guns and those countries have basically no gun violence."