
When there's more quoted text than original, you might as well scrap the story and just let us click the hyperlink.

Furries can't jerk off to it if it shows humans.

No. This is dumb. Even the arguably "colorful" costumes from the Avengers movies are muted and toned down.

One thing I think the article failed to touch on with the remake is how it depicts Damien as more obviously malevolent, which I think really detracts from it. South Park's Damien was less blatantly evil than the one from the Omen remake.

For me it was the journalist getting her eyes pecked out. Eyeball horror just squicks me out.

Jess was terrible. Dean was wonderful. It is known.

I'll meet you halfway: Grease is a terrible musical, AND it's idiotic to complain about the gender politics of a story set in the 1950s.

It was a burn. The entire right side of his face was branded.

Still a better editorial decision than having the models spray piss everywhere.

She's a terrible actress who inexplicably consistently finds work outside of her meager talent's comfort zone. She's the new Tea Leoni.

Frances Ha works a lot better if you view it as a cautionary tale about how exhausting and horrible it must really be to have a manic pixie dream girl in your life.

The only film of his I've seen was "Frances Ha," which was so terrible that everyone involved needed to go up against the wall while all his remaining films were burned in a giant, cleansing pyre.

Now say you don't even own a TV, so I can complete my TV Snob Comment Bingo.

Jesse Eisenberg's Luthor still looks SO BAD. It's like someone asked, "What if we took Gene Hackman's goofy, comedic Luthor and drained every single drop of charisma out of the performance?"

"…and Are You Afraid Of The Dark? is American Horror Story for kids."

It's lonely in my sad little corner of the world where I cling tightly to my conviction that Kojima is an overrated hack.

The Angel and Faith comic is so good. I'm just throwing that out there.

3 and 5 were my absolute favorite seasons, and Dawn was perfect in her role in Season 5 and the beginning of Season 6. Then they completely lost the thread with the character.

Good article, but it misses one aspect of the episode's plot: part of Angel's despair is based on the idea that it was the First who brought him back, as a gambit to destroy the Slayer, but the snowfall at the end implies that it was a higher power, and that Angel's return was orchestrated by the forces of good. The

I love musicals, but this thread is making me love Son of Now See Here more.