
Shkreli just bought up another drug to hike up. He's actively campaigning to be a real life Simpsons villain.

You're so cool.

She was also a domestic violence survivor who left behind two children who could possibly end up going back to her abuser. Got any cute, edgy puns for that?

A lot of people wouldn't be brave enough to defy conventions of taste in service of a joke that fucking stupid, but here you are, a shining star among us.

If only there had been some way of knowing this would be the result of marrying into the Kardashian shitshow, some kind of hint or clue, even a bit of foreshadowing.

Because if there's one thing Kanye West hates, it's attention.

Apparently noticing that Kanye always looks like he just bit into a turd is bad.

This sounds like an absolute chore to sit through.

I started the day calm, collected, and not particularly wanting to set MTV on fire, so thanks for this.

Lou Reed's video for "No Money Down." *has PTSD*

Elisabeth Shue was a gift to the world, and… and we didn't appreciate it enough at the time.

Don't Worry, Be Happy's video haunts me now in retrospect for featuring Robin Williams as a depressed man who at one point leaps off a ledge.

Oh God, shut up.

If Adam Baldwin says he doesn't know his shithead followers will absolutely go completely mental on someone he retweets, he's either a liar, deliberately blind, or an utter imbecile.

It struck a chord with lots of folks because lots of folks are dead-eyed idiots.


One of my favorite — and meanest — sight gags: a flashback when Lois was pregnant with Dewey, stretching to reach an overhead cabinet, and pressing her pregnant belly against the running microwave, which was on the fritz and "leaking radiation."

Part of AV Club is sniffing haughtily at things.

AV Club Commenters Once Again Far Too Cool and Good for Your Plebeian Humor

Rugrats is objectively terrible, and anyone who enjoys the antics of those horribly drawn children is probably a serial killer.