
It's a terrible show.

I'm holding out hope that they end the series with the main cast stepping into a malfunctioning elevator and plunging 100 stories or so.

Or, if something is insanely over-hyped by the dampest people imaginable for months on end, who have all lost their goddamned minds, it then becomes necessary to make fun of that thing. That's actually what's happening here.

I've seen the n-word used twice in the X-Men comics. Both times it was used by Kitty Pryde.

She's terrible, and I hate her. Yes, both the actress and the character.

I'm not sure if this is intentional shade or not, but I'm upvoting it just in case.

Also, snoods.

There is NOTHING wrong with my PORES! My PORES are TINY! STOP RECORDING!

No, that's what you've proven with your ill-informed posting.

In the pilot, Daria pretends to confuse a storytelling exercise with a Rorschach test, and claims the picture of a boy and girl talking are a herd of beautiful ponies sweeping majestically across a plain. In "Boxing Daria," you see a flashback to a counseling session where she's actually given a Rorschach and told the

Hahahaha, that Steve! Remember that time he blamed a rape victim for being drunk and said she should take control of her life? Ah, man, classic Steve!

Yeah, it's more than just rude. He told one of his critics over the "thinspiration" thing to take a razor blade into a warm bath, and he doubted anyone would miss them.

"Adam Richman Is More Than a Human Garbage Disposal."

*looks at sunrise, bursts into helpless tears*

Agreed. Also, I will never not laugh at Fraser's portrayal of a dumb super-jock, or a cripplingly sensitive man.

There has never been anything on a children's show more terrifying than the Bogeyman from The Real Ghostbusters, except maybe Harriet from Small Wonder.

I'll say it slower this time: Even. If. The. Comment. In. The. Article. Is. Fake. There. Are. Hundreds. Of. Comments. Out. There. Just. Like. It. That. Are. Not. So. The. Point. Is. Still. Valid.

"Reddit has a lot of users, so a few of them are stupid like that guy."

There are a plethora of posts out there just like it that are 100% sincere. Gosh, I'll bet AV Club are the first people to ever run afoul of Poe's Law.

So, what psychiatrists cared so little for medical ethics that they let their "most damaged patients" meet with this toolbag so he could play at mental illness?